Chapter 42 - Empowered

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WARNING: Explicit content ahead. Please feel free to skip if you are not comfortable with this, and of course if you're a minor.

 Please feel free to skip if you are not comfortable with this, and of course if you're a minor

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RJ kept his hand propped beside Dei as he kissed her, his other hand continuing its work on the buttons of her blouse until he was able to release each of them till the last one. Dei's hands have flown to his hair and were gently pulling the strands as she kissed him with fervor like she had never done before.

"Woah, Dei..." RJ whispered against her lips. He pulled away from her and sat on the sofa, tugging her on the waist, and sitting her on his lap so she was straddling him. Her lips quickly found his again and he groaned at the intensity of her kisses. He reached to take her blouse off and Dei let go of his hair so RJ could slide the garment off her arms. They pulled away from each other's lips and RJ started kissing her jaw, but she pushed him to the backrest.

"No," she said firmly and then slowly leaned in to kiss his left ear.

"Oh..kaay..." RJ breathed. "This is new."

"Shut up." Dei whispered on his ear and he did, closing his eyes as her breath sent jolts of electricity all over his body.

Dei moved her lips to his jawline and trailed tiny, wet kisses all the way down his clavicle. His breathing hitched when he felt her tongue swirl on his collarbone. Woah, Dei!

"Two seconds to get your shirt off, babe," she said and he quickly pulled it over his head. Dei swept her eyes on his torso and her hands moved to touch his chest, grazing her fingers softly on his skin with her lip between her teeth.

He watched her intently, amazed by her sudden confidence and transformation. Her fingers travelled up and down his stomach and his breathing stopped when she slid them inside his jeans and boxers, barely touching him there but enough to drive him crazy.

He grabbed her face and crushed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply and fervently. His hands moved to her inner thighs and he ran his fingers thru them. He felt her hips move a little when his fingers moved higher, and took it as a cue. He held her on her back and stood up, carrying her over to the grand piano in the middle of the room.

"The waiting is so worth it," he whispered to her as he sat her on the fallboard. "Now it's my turn okay?" he said softly and she nodded, biting her lip. He unclasped her bra and she lifted her hips a little as he pulled her skirt and panties down and let them slide off her legs.

He kissed her on the mouth for a few seconds and then moved his lips to her ear, gently trailing kisses all the way down to her chest. He made both his tongue and his palms work as he pleasured her upper body and the sounds she made caused an uncomfortable tightness in his jeans.

She had to lean on the piano lid, catching her breath hard as he moved his kisses lower... and lower still, his tongue moving along with his lips and his fingers, stroking her until she was screaming out his name.

"Ready" he asked her as she leaned gasping on the lid, still coming down from her high.

"Yes," she said in a small voice. She was still recovering from her first orgasm but she was already yearning to have him deep inside her.


She nodded and he exhaled sharply.

He shed the rest of his clothes and slid the protection on before moving closer to her again. He held her chin and looked deep into her eyes. "You're amazing, Dei. And I love you so much."

"I love you too," she whispered, and groaned in pleasure when she suddenly felt his fullness inside her.

"Look at me," he breathed and she did. They stared at each other with their mouths slightly open, and their eyes communicating the love and desire they had for each other until she couldn't take it anymore. She squeezed her eyes shut and held on to him until she reached her peak once more. He followed a little shortly, with his face buried on the crook of her neck, and his lip between his teeth.

He kissed her softly on the lips as he eased out and then carried her into the shower.


"You have a stupid grin on your face," Dei commented as she looked up from his chest. They were lying on RJ's bed, basking in the afterglow of their latest union.

"You surprised me today," he said, kissing her quickly on the forehead.

She ducked her head and blushed, smiling shyly.

"And now you're looking all innocent again," he said chuckling.

She laughed but didn't say anything.

"Babe?" he called softly.


"I hope you know how happy you make me." he said, swallowing hard.

"I do." she answered.

"And I hope I make you happy too."

"Yes, you do. Very much," she said, kissing him on the corner of his lips.

He kissed her once on the lips and pulled her closer against him, tight, as if he didn't want to ever let go. Dei wrapped her arm around his waist and returned his embrace, and she laid like that with him until she drifted off to sleep.



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