Chapter 24 - MMXXL

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"You know what, I never expected her to be that stunning. I knew she'd be pretty somehow but then I saw her earlier and she's just, wow!" Dei said as she popped a pop corn inside her mouth.

They were seated on the sofa in the living room, trying to watch a movie but Dei couldn't stop thinking about Christine.

RJ sighed. "There you go again."

"What? I just noticed. She seemed like the perfect girl for you," she said, her eyes focused on the TV.

"Dei, stop," RJ said, turning the tv off. He turned and faced Dei with his elbow propped on the backseat and his head on his hand. "Can we just talk about us? How did your day go?"

"It was okay. I was able to complete one of the articles and I just need to proofread the second one," Dei answered. "She ignored me for the rest of the day, you know that? I was kinda expecting that she would give me a hard time but she didn't."

"I don't wanna talk about her, Dei, I wanna talk about you," RJ said patiently while tucking some stray hair behind her ear. "What was your second article all about?"

"Just a list of facts about a certain movie," she muttered.

"I bet it would be another great read." RJ said and Dei rolled her eyes.

"It's just a list of facts, RJ."

"Yea, but you have a way with words that makes all of your articles exceptionally awesome. You wouldn't win that feature writing contest if that wasn't the case." he told her.

Dei ducked her head and blushed.

"I missed that," he said, staring at her. "And I miss your laughter. You barely laugh these last few days."

"I'm too stressed with work," she admitted.

"What can I do to make you laugh?"

Dei thought about it and smiled. "Dance in front of me."

RJ raised his eyebrows at her. "What kind of dance?"

"Magic Mike inspired," she said, already giggling.

"I'll do that. Are you sure it'll make you laugh or...?" he asked, trying to suppress a smile.

"Just do it!"

"You're getting naughty," he said chuckling.

"You wish," she countered, smirking at him.

"Okay, I need music."

"Wait, I have a video saved on my phone." she said, picking up her phone.

"Oh so you've really watched Magic Mike?"

"Yes, and Magic Mike XXL. I may be a virgin but I'm not naive, RJ." she said grinning at him. She found the video and played it and RJ stood in front of her.

"You're really gonna do it!" Dei exclaimed.

"Why not?" he said and he started dancing, his steps almost similar to the one on the video.

Her mouth hung open while he gyrated to the beat of the music, and she felt her face go absolutely warm when he dropped on the floor on all fours and dipped his lower body in very suggestive motions. Then he stood up and walked closer to her, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched her squirm and bite her lip unconsciously.

She screamed and placed her hand over her face when he started lifting his shirt up. He laughed heartily and pulled it back down.

"My god, Dei, you're blushing so hard!" he said, snickering as he sat back next to her.

"Okay, I must admit that was hot." Dei said fanning her face and giggling.

RJ gave her a smug smile and started crawling slowly towards her.

"RJ..." she warned him as she slowly slid her back down the arm rest.

He quickly grabbed her by the waist and started tickling her and she squealed with laughter.

He stopped, hovering on top of her with his arms propped on either side of her chest.

"God, I missed that sound so much. Maybe next time I should record you laughing so I can play it whenever I want." he said.

"That'd be weird," she said, giggling.

RJ stooped down a bit and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Why do your lips always taste so sweet?" he asked.

"Lip gloss," she answered, blushing.

He kissed her again, a bit longer this time.

"RJ?" she said when he pulled away.


"I can feel you." she said with a smirk.

"I would have thought so," he answered.

"Go take a cold shower."

"Just what I was thinking." he said, giving her one last peck on the lips and pulling himself up. "Join me in the shower when you change your mind," he told her with a smirk as he walked towards the bathroom.

"You wish."

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