Chapter 25 - New Found Friend

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"Hi, Jay!" Christine greeted him as she walked into their cubicle. Ken looked up from his laptop at once.

"What are you doing here, Christine? This isn't your floor." RJ said coldly.

"Well, I just wanted to say hi. I told you I came for you, so naturally, I'd pop in from time to time to say hello," she said, casually leaning against his desk. "And you're the only person I know here so..."

"You also know Matt. And Cindy, and Jeff. They were from the HQ too, in case you forgot," he snapped.

"We weren't close," she said simply. "Unlike you... Which reminds me, can you tour me around the city after work, RJ?"


"Why not?" she asked, sliding her hand from his shoulder to his chest.

He grabbed her hand and turned to face her. "This is getting kinda desperate, don't you think? Too desperate, even for you."

She smirked. "Why not?" she repeated.

"I'm with someone now," he said.

"Your little project partner?"

"She's my girlfriend."

"Riiiight" she said, pulling her hand away. "Well maybe not for long."

RJ stood up suddenly and almost pushed her, but stopped himself. "Go away, Christine, and don't you dare mess with Dei, or I swear to God..." he said savagely.

"What?" she challenged but he kept his mouth shut. "You'll come back to me, Jay. You always do." she gave him another smug smile and left.

"Wow, dude, she's crazy!" Ken said as she left.

RJ kept standing there, leaning against his desk and fuming. "Tell me about it," he muttered.

"What did you ever see in her, man? Well aside from that smoking hot body." Ken asked, completely bewildered. He never met her in person before and only knew about her from RJ's stories. He had also seen pictures of her on RJ's Facebook profile when they were still together. He knew that she broke his heart and made him go through a heartless misery, but he never expected her to be a complete psycho.

"I was stupid," RJ responded.


You're chatting with RJ Faulkerson...
RJ F: Dei...
RJ F: Babe...
Dei M: Yes Babe? ☺️
RJ F: still busy?
Dei M: yes 😭
RJ F: take a break. have lunch with me.
Dei M: one more article babe
RJ F: please? I'll help review your work later.
RJ F: just save me from this bad day, babe
RJ F: I need you
Dei M: wait, your ex is here
RJ F: stop calling her that, my goodness!

"Dei, is it?" Christine greeted her as she leaned on her desk with a friendly smile on her face.

"Yes." Dei answered.

"Do you know me?" she asked her.

"You're our new editor," Dei answered with a tight smile.

"Aside from that. Did RJ tell you who I am?"

"Well yea, I know you're RJ's ex-girlfriend." she answered.

"Yes, ex-girlfriend, which means a part of his past. I just wanted to clear the air so you won't feel awkward around me," Christine said softly. "I just came here to work, nothing else. Actually I wouldn't have come if the bosses had not been so persistent. I know how RJ gets when I'm around." she said, rolling her eyes. "And I honestly didn't know that he had a girlfriend now. The HQ knew about your project and we've been following it too, but all along I thought you were just partners. If I would've known, I wouldn't have agreed to come here, no matter how much they have insisted, just to avoid any awkwardness. I'm sorry..."

"What? No.." Dei said, taken aback by her apology. "You don't have to say sorry, we're cool." she said, smiling at her.

"Really? Wow I didn't think it'd be that easy," Christine said happily. "You seem to be a genuinely nice person. I kinda understand how RJ fell for you now."

Dei smiled at her and blushed.

"Well, that's all. Thanks for talking to me," Christine said, giving her a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Just let me know if you need anything. I may be your boss but I can be your friend too, okay?"

"Yea, okay." Dei answered, feeling a bit more relaxed, and she let out a sigh of relief. She thought there was going be too much drama, but Christine seemed pretty nice.

She pulled up the chat box with RJ again.

You're chatting with RJ Faulkerson...

Dei M: See you in 10 minutes babe. ❤️

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