Chapter 51 - TB Day 2

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AN: Hiya guys! How are you? I miss the interactions here and I'm kinda wondering if you lot are still enjoying the book ... or have I been dragging it for too long na? I really wish to hear/read more of your thoughts...


8:00 AM...

The teams had just finished breakfast and were huddled by the shore, preparing for the next event. They were doing relays and each team member had definitely brought their game on. This was the game that RJ's team had always won since they were consisted mostly of athletic jocks. RJ glanced at Dei, sniggering, and Dei simply rolled her eyes at him.

Dei's team had mostly girls on it so they knew they wouldn't stand a chance... until Christine brought two of the trainees into the team. Two guys, including James.

Oh, hell no. RJ's face fell as soon as he saw James walk into Dei's team huddle but Dei looked at him and raised her eyebrows, aware of what's going on inside his head.

The event started and there were three relay games they had to complete. If Christine's plan was to distract RJ by putting James in her team, it definitely didn't work because he just became more competitive than ever. In the end, RJ's team won all three relays.

They were given a break after the relay games and RJ went and grabbed Dei's hand at once, pulling her away from her team.

"RJ, stop," she said, looking at him with a frown. "Don't be such a child, you're acting too jealous again."

"I am not," he said simply.

"Come here, I want you both to talk. He's my friend and he really wants to get to know you better," she said, pulling him back towards James and Mara.

RJ sighed and followed her.

"Mara, come here, let's get something to eat. These two guys will talk," Dei said, taking Mara's hand and dragging her towards the dining area. "We'll bring you guys food," she told the boys.

The two guys stood quietly for a few seconds after Dei and Mara left, both of them trying to get a sense of where the other one's at.

RJ heaved a deep sigh, "So... You and Dei are friends?"

"Yes, since freshmen year in college," James answered. "And you don't have to worry--"

"Who says I'm worried?" RJ snapped.

James lifted his eyebrows.

"Sorry. Ok, I'm a bit concerned," RJ admitted.

"Dei's like my little sister, I'm just here to look out for her. And with that I mean I'm watching you, dude. Don't hurt her," James warned him.

RJ looked at him for a few seconds and sighed. "I won't. She means a lot to me, I can't hurt her." he told James.

"Good," James said. "But I'd still be watching you."

"Fair enough," RJ replied. He took a deep breath and extended his hand. "So I guess we're good?"

James accepted and shook it. "Sure," he said smiling. "We should really hang out sometime. Teach me how to play those instruments. I heard your song for Dei and you're really good."

"Thanks, and sure, I can teach you," RJ said, smiling back.

"Now that's more like it," Dei said, a huge grin on her face as she handed RJ a plate of food. "Thank you, babe!" she whispered, kissing him on the cheek. "Now it's our turn to leave," she whispered, pointing discreetly at Mara who was staring at James with heart eyes.


The last event was the beach volleyball. Both Dei and RJ's team won each of their matches and were about to compete with each other for the championship round.

Christine huddled the team and talked to them about a strategy. A few minutes later, she walked into the makeshift court, shedding her cover up as she did.

The boys' jaws fell and it was comically synchronized as if they were characters from a cartoon. RJ rolled his eyes and nudged his team mates. "Hey, guys, focus!"

He glanced to the left as the rest of Christine's team walked towards the court and his mouth just hung open when he saw Dei wearing only her white strapless bikini top and a low rise bottom.

Dammit, Dei!

"RJ!" Ken elbowed him hard on the ribs. "What about you focus for us?"

The game started and RJ and Dei stood across each other from each side of the court.

"Surprised?" Dei asked, smirking at him.

"Very," he said darkly.

The first serve was made and at once, RJ's team realized that they were in for a very challenging game. Aside from the distraction, the girls were actually pretty good at playing and Dei was just smashing it, her competitiveness working in her favor as each strike she made were all done with precision.

"What are you, a varsity player?" RJ asked as they switched places and he was in front of Dei again.

"In high school, yes." she said, grinning at him smugly. "You look stressed, you were so cocky last night." she teased as the ball got passed around.

"I'd really like to wipe that smug look off your face... later." he said, giving her a dark smile just as he hit the ball in her direction.

She blushed and missed it.

RJ snickered. "Now the game's getting better," he told her.

The next few minutes of the game became like a death match between RJ and Dei as they tried to outdo each other. Most of their teammates almost just had to watch and assist as both of them got more and more aggressive. Finally the game ended and Dei's team won by three points, leaving the guys groaning in disappointment.

Dei ran to RJ who was looking at her and shaking his head with a smile. "Well you surprised me alright. I've never lost any game before, even in NYC."

"Well, there's always a first time for everything right?" She said smiling at him.

He looked at her and took a deep breath. "Go get your cover up, or I won't be able to wait till we get home."

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