Chapter 44 - Clingy

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"Do you really have to go home, babe?" RJ asked as he drove out of the studio to her apartment. "I honestly don't think we still need these time outs, we're not here just for the project anymore."

"I know. Maybe starting next week we can get together even on weekends, but today I really need to go home. My parents are visiting tomorrow." Dei said, touching his hand that was on the gear shift. "It's just one day, babe. We got to spend the whole day together today because of our guesting, right?"

RJ sighed. "Well, yeah..." he said with a resigned shrug. "By the way, did you just say your parents are coming to visit?"

"Yes," Dei answered.

"Do they know about the project?" he asked, glancing at her.

"Yep! I let them know before I moved in to the penthouse," she answered, turning down the volume on the radio a bit.

"Really, what's their take on it?"

"Well... My parents have pretty much given me the liberty to decide and live my life as I see fit since I turned 21. Still, they advised me to be careful and to make sure I make the right decisions."

"Hmm. And have you made the right decisions so far?" RJ asked carefully.

"I'd like to believe that I did, yes" Dei replied, looking at him.

"Do your parents know about us?"

"They do now. Thanks to your latest snap," she replied and RJ couldn't identify in her tone if that bothered her or not.

Won't I meet them? The question crossed his mind but he didn't ask it out loud. He waited for her to mention it.

"Oh, I remember there's a new restaurant that opened near our place last week. It's been getting loads of good reviews; my teammates were actually talking about it in the office since Monday," Dei said excitedly after a few moments. "Maybe we can go there next weekend?"

His heart sank. "Yea, okay," he said distractedly.

"Customers say they serve the best seafood pasta and they have loads of different kinds of Filipino food. I'm sure you'd like that," she said, smiling.


"Are you okay?" Dei asked, noticing the shift in his mood. "We'll only be apart for one day, babe."

"No, I know. It's just that..." He sighed. "Never mind."

"Oh, come on, RJ, what is it?" she pushed.

"It's nothing. No big deal." he answered.

"Do you want me to turn it into a big deal?" Dei asked, lifting an eyebrow.

It took a few moments for RJ to respond and they were already turning the corner to her apartment.

"Babe?" Dei called out softly.

He heaved another sigh. "I really didn't want to sound desperate, Dei, but... But I was kinda hoping you would tell me that I would be meeting them too. You know, so you can introduce me... your boyfriend," he said quietly. "That sounded so pathetic didn't it?"

He stopped the car in front of Dei's house, left the engine running and switched the hazard lights on.

Dei smiled. "It doesn't," she assured him, holding his face. "Babe, I do have plans of introducing you to my parents, but not now when they have just found out about us ... probably through some exaggerated relay of message concerning your latest snapchat post."

RJ looked at her. "Does it bother you? The post, I mean."

"I swooned when I saw it RJ. My heart sang as I read those words you put," she said, brushing her thumb against his cheek. "And then I realized that everyone could actually access and see it... even my parents."

"I'm sorry," RJ said. "I guess I was too overwhelmed with emotions that I wasn't thinking straight that night. Do you think they would hate me?"

"Oh, not at all. I just need to talk to them first and explain exactly what's going on," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips. "Come here..." she pulled the collar of his jacket and kissed him on the lips.

"Stop moping," she said, giggling, when their lips parted. "By Monday you and I will be together again, and very soon you will meet my parents too."

"Okay," he said, running his fingers through the strands of her hair and kissing her on the lips again.

"I love you, RJ... More than you'll ever know." she whispered against his lips and he smiled.

"I love you too."

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