Chapter 46 - Back To You

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RJ dialed Dei's facetime number as soon as he got into the car.

"Good morning, babe," RJ said when she picked up, and he waited for her video to load.

"Hi babe!" Dei answered, and a few seconds later her face flashed on RJ's screen.

"Oh shit, you're beautiful," RJ said when he saw her and he felt his heart skip a beat

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"Oh shit, you're beautiful," RJ said when he saw her and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"Babe." Dei chided, blushing.

"I'm sorry. Uh... I'm in the car now, where are you?"

"Still waiting for the ride. Have you had breakfast?" she asked him.

"Just coffee and toast, you?"

"Coffee and oatmeal. Are you driving now?" she asked when she saw him turn the steering wheel and glance to his left.

"Yep, I'm leaving the parking space. I'll meet you at the penthouse first okay?" he said, glancing back at her.

"Okay, drive safely, babe. Let's end the call for now so you can focus on driving." she said, her concern evident in her voice.

"Alright, babe. I'll take care I promise. Love you," he said as he ended the call.


Dei got to the penthouse and found the living room empty. She was expecting him to already be there when she arrived because his place was nearer but apparently he was late.

She pulled out her phone and texted him.

Sent to RJ 💓| 6:25
I'm here babe, where are you?

RJ 💓 | 6:27
I'm inside your room.


She made quick steps to her bedroom, opened the door and found him lounging on her bed.

"Okay, what are you doing there?" she asked, giggling

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"Okay, what are you doing there?" she asked, giggling.

"Waiting for you," he said with a smirk.

"RJ, it's..." she glanced at her watch and her laughter faltered.

"6:30, yes..."

"So we're an hour and a half early for work," she said, finally smiling back at him.

"Exactly." he said, sitting up straighter as Dei walked over to the bed.

"What's on your mind?" she said, biting her lip to suppress her smile as she stood beside the bed.

"Loads. And luckily we have all the time..." He reached over and snatched her by the waist, tackling her to the bed as she erupted in a fit of giggles.



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"Dude, I expected to see you here when I arrived since you left so much earlier than I did," Ken said as RJ walked into their cubicle.

"Uh, yeah. I got caught up," he said simply as he sat on his chair and turned on his laptop.

"Check your email, man. They have an announcement," Ken said.

RJ did and clicked the first message on his inbox.

To: RJ Faulkerson (


Please join us for our annual TEAM BUILDING EVENT.

Get your beach bodies ready and your game on.

Kind Regards,The Management

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Kind Regards,
The Management


"Who will win the corporate cup this year?" RJ read, a smug smile creeping on his face. "Well who else if not the team who has been winning it for three years in a row now!" he announced loudly and loud cheers erupted from the rest of their teammates.

"Alright!" Ken said and he and RJ did a high five.

RJ thought of how he'd be competing against Dei and her team. This should be interesting, he thought with a smile.

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