Chapter 55 - Glow

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"Are you okay, babe?" Dei asked RJ as they started driving home on Sunday afternoon. "You seem awfully quiet today."

RJ looked at her and smiled. "Yep, just tired."

"Yea, my body hurts a lot too," she agreed. "That was an intense team building for sure. But definitely memorable," she added, beaming as she recalled the last two days of their program. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yea, sorry, babe... Just a bit distracted," he said while taking her hand and placing it on the gear shift with his. "But don't mind me, please."

"Hmmm... You're not still sore about the fact that a newbie just beat you for the corporate cup, are you?" she teased, a smirk forming on her lips.

RJ laughed. "My, my... You sure plan on rubbing this to my face the whole day, don't you?"

"More like the whole month," Dei said, giggling. "Are you upset?"

"Of course not," he answered, grinning. "I'm actually very proud of you," he said, planting a kiss on her hand.

"I can't believe some of your team's tactics though. I mean the way you tried to distract me the other night," she said narrowing her eyes at him. "Was that how you did it on the previous games before?"

RJ smirked. "Pretty much. And it always worked."

"You're despicable!" Dei said, shaking her head while laughing.

"But it almost worked on you, right?"

"Almost. It's a good thing I always pay attention to your face and saw you sneaking a look behind me," she said, rolling her eyes.

He laughed again and paused for a few seconds. "Actually, I couldn't believe your strategy too. Wearing nothing but your skimpy swimwear on the court to distract us." he said and there was an unevenness in his tone.

Dei ducked her head and blushed, and RJ glanced at her as she did.

"It surprised me," he said quietly, looking back at the road.

"Well, I was kinda challenged. I must admit I got a bit worried when I saw Christine shedding her cover up and your eyes lingered at her for a few seconds," she said, frowning.

"My eyes didn't linger. I was just taken aback but I recovered almost at once... Wait, were you jealous?" RJ asked, a huge grin forming on his lips.

Dei's frown deepened but she didn't respond.

"Did you see my reaction when I saw you though?" he asked, pinching her nose while still keeping his eyes on the road.

A smile crept on Dei's face as she remembered his stupefied expression when he saw her without her cover up. "Yep. Too funny."

"Which reminds me, I need to do something about that," he said, giving her a dark look and pulling up a corner of his lips into a half smile that showed exactly what he meant.

"I thought you were tired?" Dei said, her voice small.

"Not anymore."


"I just finished uploading our pics to the DeiJay page," RJ said as Dei got out of her room. She had just finished dressing up and drying her hair after their shower.

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