Chapter 16 - Beach Trip

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Dei came out of her room the next morning looking tired and sleepy. She had on a short-sleeved, yellow maxi dress and white flipflops and her hair fell smooth and straight past her shoulders. A white tote bag hung on her shoulder and she was holding another small bag for her clothes.

"Are you okay?" RJ asked as he grabbed the bag from her. He was wearing a denim polo over a plain white tank top and khaki shorts.

"Yea, just a bit sleepy. I think I only had 3 hours of sleep," she said, stifling a yawn.

They had to wake up at 4 in the morning because Ken wanted to start the trip early. The travel time was 3-4 hours and he wanted to get to the resort before noon.

"Me too, I didn't get much sleep last night." he said while tucking some of Dei's hair behind her ears.

"It doesn't show," Dei said looking at him with a frown. He looked fresh and well rested and absolutely gorgeous.

He smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead. "Don't worry we can sleep during the whole trip. Lucky for me, Ken has volunteered to drive so I will just sit back and enjoy the ride with you."

"Good. I really want to get more sleep." she answered.

They waited outside the lobby for Ken and Beth to arrive and as they waited, RJ pulled Dei to him and hugged her so she could lean her head against his chest and get a power nap. Then he rested his chin lightly on top of her head.

"This feels so good," Dei whispered against his chest and he felt her wrap her arms around his waist. The gesture made his heart flutter. It was the first time that they had been this affectionately close since the kiss. Usually they would just hold hands and RJ would give her kisses on her hand or on her forehead or the top of her head.

"Yea..." he whispered back, kissing the top of her head.

Ken and Beth arrived on Ken's SUV a few minutes later and they were smiling at them when they did.

"Wow!" Beth said teasingly and she couldn't help the huge smile that formed on her lips. "It's true what your fans say about your chemistry, huh? You both just brightened my day."

RJ rolled his eyes at her but smiled as he helped Dei into the backseat.

"You're blushing, Faulkerson," Beth said and Ken laughed so hard earning himself a tap on the back of his head from RJ.

Dei just smiled, relishing the warm feeling she had at that moment.

She slept on RJ's shoulder the rest of the trip. He had placed one piece of his earphones on her right ear earlier and the soft music helped drift her into a comfortable sleep.

They arrived at the resort more than three hours later and they all went to their separate villas right away. They had arranged to stay there overnight and then drive back home Sunday evening. As a consideration for Dei, Beth decided to book separate villas where she and Dei could stay together in one while the boys stayed in the other.

"Dude are you okay?" Ken asked RJ. He was changing into his swim clothes and he could see RJ being all fidgety on the bed.

"I'm kinda nervous about seeing Dei in her swimsuit later," he admitted, flipping his phone on his hand as he leaned against the headboard with his foot on the bed.

"What?" Ken said laughing as he sat on the bed in front of him. "Tell me, how far have you two gone?"

"A kiss... on the lips. Once." RJ said with a sigh.

"Wow, RJ... I'm actually very proud of you." Ken said, punching RJ lightly on the shoulder. "Where are you racking up all that self control?"

"I'm not sure," RJ muttered. "But I hope I can stay strong until she's absolutely ready."

Ken shook his head and laughed. RJ has definitely changed a lot.


RJ was silent as he and Ken climbed the stairs to the girls' villa. Ken knocked on the door while RJ muttered an earnest prayer.

Not a sexy two-piece, Dei. Not a two-piece please.

Beth opened the door and RJ caught a glimpse of Dei standing on the balcony at once.

Beth opened the door and RJ caught a glimpse of Dei standing on the balcony at once

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