Chapter 84 - Choices

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"And we're home," RJ said as they walked into their penthouse suite.

Dei looked around the living room and her eyes found the familiar couch, and the grand piano that held secrets but sat innocently beside the window. She turned to the left and saw the kitchen island and the stools where the two of them spent most of their time chatting while they did one of their favorite hobbies - eating. They had only been away for two weeks but she realized just how much she missed their little safe zone. Still, a part of her longed for what they had left in New York. That place will always be memorable, especially since a part of it had become a witness to the new chapter in their life.

"Yep, we're home," she said.

RJ dropped their bags on the floor and slumped face forward onto the couch. "I am so tired I can probably just sleep here," he muttered.

Dei laughed and sat beside him on the carpet, brushing his hair away from his forehead. "I'll prepare us a meal. Let's eat first before we sleep ok?"

"Hmmm," he answered, his eyes closed.

She smiled and kissed him softly on the cheek before standing up and walking into the kitchen to prepare a light meal of soup and bread.

When she went back to the couch with a tray balancing two bowls of the crab and corn soup and a platter of bread, RJ was already sleeping. She sighed and looked at him fondly.

"Babe?" she called, touching his face and he stirred. "Let's eat."

He slowly got up and grabbed the bowl of soup and ate quickly. "God, I'm so tired," he said. "Thanks for preparing this by the way," he told her with a small smile as he placed the bowl back on the tray.

"You're welcome. Rest a bit before you head to your room and sleep," she said, taking the last two bites of her bread. He nodded and leaned his head on her shoulder.

A quick shower later, they both got inside RJ's room and he drifted to sleep right away. Dei on the other hand wasn't feeling sleepy at all. She reached for RJ's laptop and began browsing the internet.

She looked at wedding ideas first, searching for some venue options and listing down possible wedding themes. Thirty minutes into it, she found herself getting engrossed and really excited about the planning. It just dawned on her that she was really getting married soon and she realized just how excited she was about it. She glanced at RJ and smiled. She knew she made the right decision when she accepted his proposal, and at that very moment, she found herself making another important decision.

She saved sample pictures for the wedding themes and placed them in a folder. She also made a list of possible wedding venues and enumerated their highlights and features. Then she saved that list in the same folder too.

When she was done with that, she opened a job bank website in New York and started searching. There were a few openings on jobs that she liked and she submitted an application to all of those. It was a long shot but she was hoping that her affiliation with TrendBuzz, and the fact that her fiancé was a US Citizen could help with her application. She could have herself transferred to the New York HQ too, but that'll be her final option. She knew RJ won't approve anyway because of Tim.

After about three hours, she started getting sleepy too, so she shut the laptop down, making sure to delete the history so RJ won't see the websites she had gone to to apply. She wanted that to be a surprise for RJ once she got an approval on any of her applications.

She laid on her side and gazed at him. "All for you, RJ," she whispered very softly.


"Is this blindfold really necessary?" RJ asked as Dei led him out of his room the next day. "I think I like this blindfold idea... but for a different purpose," he added.

Dei looked back at him and found him smirking. "I see your jet lag is gone," she said, "you're back to being a total perv."

She sat him on the stool and removed the blindfold, and then turned his laptop screen to face him.

RJ saw the folder "Wedding Ideas" and Dei double clicked on it. He looked questioningly at her.

"Wanna help me start planning?" she asked, grinning at him.

"Isn't it too early?" he wondered.

Dei sat beside him and propped her cheek on her palm. "Not when we're getting married in six months or less," she said, and RJ's face broke into a huge, happy smile.

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