Chapter 39 - Omelettes and Whipped Cream

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RJ woke up the next day and smelled something cooking in the kitchen. Oh no, he thought at once, thinking of what Dei must be trying to cook this time. He quickly got up from his bed, pulled a plain white shirt from the closet and put it on, his grey sweat pants hanging low on his hips.

He opened his door and he was met by the smell of bacons. Ok, they don't smell burnt so that's good... I hope.

He turned the corner and saw Dei standing in front of the kitchen counter with her back to him, apparently busy preparing their breakfast. He crept slowly towards her and touched both sides of her waist. She let out a surprised yelp and elbowed RJ hard on his stomach.


"Don't do that!" she chided, placing the jar of sugar back to the counter. "I almost dropped the jar."

He laughed, still clutching his stomach. "Good morning, babe," he said, planting a kiss on the side of her head. "Errmm... What are you doing?"

"Preparing our breakfast," she said matter-of-factly. She turned around holding a forkful of eggs, with her other hand placed underneath the fork. "Here try this omelet."

"Errrmmm..." he bit his lip and looked at the eggs warily.

"It's okay, I tasted it first and I made sure it tastes okay," Dei said. "And I followed the recipe on my phone close enough."

He chewed on his lips for a few moments, trying to contemplate a way out of it until he saw Dei pouting at him. "Okay, fine!" And He opened his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut, anticipating the weird taste of the food as Dei gently slid the fork inside his mouth. He chewed once... Okay, no weird taste. He chewed a few more times and started really tasting it. He opened his eyes. "Wow, Dei, this tastes pretty good. It's great, actually," he said grabbing the fork from her and taking another huge portion that he quickly slid inside his mouth again. "Hmmm... Really good. Wow. How did make this?"

"I just followed the recipe and made sure I didn't leave any ingredients out," she said proudly.

"Hmmmm.. This is great. Now I'm hungry," he said, getting another forkful.

"I prepared pancakes and bacons too," she said, scooting under his arms and walking towards the other side of the kitchen counter near the gas range. "My pancakes need a little work though," she muttered, biting her lip.

True enough, the pancakes on the plates were either too thick or too thin and some of them looked overdone, yet appeared edible enough.

"That's okay, once we put butter and syrup it'll taste just as good," he said, helping her out with the plates.

They sat on the stools and RJ admired the food she prepared. She gave him a fresh plate of omelette that she garnished with different types of fresh fruit and she prepared him a glass of orange juice too.

"Wow, babe, I could really get used to this," he said, grabbing a piece of fresh strawberry and popping it into his mouth before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Wait don't touch anything yet," RJ said as Dei made a move to stab the omelette with a fork. "May I borrow your phone. I need to post this. Everyone needs to see how great my girlfriend is," he said, biting his lip.

"You're acting like a teenager in love again," Dei said, laughing, as she handed him her phone.

RJ took a quick shot and posted it on their snapchat account right away.

RJ took a quick shot and posted it on their snapchat account right away

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"I'm so proud," RJ said, looking at their plate again.

"You were so scared earlier," she said, smirking at him and rolling her eyes.

"Well, you really can't blame me, can you?" he teased, earning a painful pinch on his side. He laughed and took another mouthful of his new favorite food.

Dei grabbed a can of whipped cream from the side of the counter and started spraying huge heaps of it on her pancake.

"Woah, go easy on the whipped cream, I can't even see the pancake now." he commented as he watched her spray whipped cream on the pancake like a maniac.

"I love whipped cream!" she replied as she placed the can back to the side and started pouring chocolate syrup on top.

"You love whipped cream... really?" RJ asked, his voice suddenly husky.

Dei looked at him and saw the sexy smirk on his face. "You are unbelievably perverted, Faulkerson!" she exclaimed, blushing with a shy smile on her lips.

"What?" he said, laughing. He dipped his index finger on the huge heap of whipped cream on the pancake and wiped the foam on her lower lip. He registered the surprised look on her face before leaning in and kissing her fully on the mouth.

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