Chapter 92 - Furious

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Dei read RJ's text message and felt her heart pounding. She knew she ought to be excited that he was coming but there was something about the tone in his text that made her nervous.

Dei. I'll be there in 3 hours.


Not "babe", but just Dei, and then a period.

Is he mad? she wondered. Why would he be? It couldn't be because of my instagram post, could it? But it only showed my back... Then she remembered how RJ seemed so uneasy when she wore only her two piece during their volley ball game on their team building, and although what she was wearing now wasn't nearly as skimpy as what she had on then, she still couldn't help feeling so worried.

You're at the beach, Dei. What does he expect you to wear? Pajamas? another part of her retorted fiercely.

The next few hours went by and Dei could no longer join her friends in the fun. She mostly kept to herself and was silent the whole time, just forcing a smile or a laugh once in a while. At 8:20 they decided to go to have dinner at the dining hall of the resort but she couldn't find her appetite. She sat on her chair, playing with her food while her stomach continued its uncomfortable churn.

"Are you okay, Dei?" Lily asked, looking at her. "You haven't touched your food."

James glanced at her and nudged her arm. He was sitting right beside her. "You've been quiet for a few hours. You okay?"

"Yeah," she said, looking at them and forcing a smile. Her phone lit up and buzzed and she quickly snatched it from the table.

There was a text message from RJ.

RJ 💓 | 9:14 PM
I'm at the parking lot of the resort. Where are you?

She took a deep breath and quickly typed her reply.

Sent to RJ 💓 | 9:14 PM
Hi, babe! We're having dinner at the dining hall... do you want me to go there and get you?

RJ 💓 | 9:15 PM

A one-word reply with no punctuation mark. Crap, he IS mad.

"Guys, RJ is in the parking lot. I'll just go and get him," she said, standing up from her seat and adjusting the tunic that she was using as her swimsuit cover up.

"Oh, he came?" Lily asked excitedly. "That's great!"

Dei nodded and swiftly walked to the parking lot.

She found RJ's car right away, but instead of him waiting for her outside the car, she saw him actually still sitting inside it with a serious look on his face.

She opened the car door and got inside. "Babe," she greeted, looking at him nervously.

He didn't respond but took a couple of deep breaths, his eyes on the steering wheel.

"What's wrong babe?" she asked, touching his hand.

"I don't know what to say, Dei," he said, shaking his head.

Dei frowned at him. "What's the problem, RJ? Is it my instagram post? If it is then I think you're overreacting."

RJ turned to her looking really pissed. "Overreacting? Dei, your photos are all over the social media. What do you think should I feel seeing my fiancée's almost bare body all over twitter and instagram?"

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