Chapter 40 - Rehearsals

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They met with a couple of producers from the show they were going to guest in, that afternoon. One of them was a woman around her forties who seemed too excited to meet them.

"My fifteen year old daughter follows your story. She's actually the one who suggested to invite you on the program because she knows of the huge following you have gotten in just a short period of time," she said.

"It was totally unexpected," Dei said, smiling shyly.

"Well let me just say that you guys look perfect for each other," the woman said as the guy she was with nodded in agreement. "That talk about your chemistry is very true after all. Have you guys thought about getting into showbiz, because you both look like you would fit right in."

"No, not really." they both answered.

"You'd fit perfectly well though. Anyway, thank you for granting our invitation." she said and looked at the man she was with.

The man cleared his throat. "We're planning to guest you next Saturday so that will give you enough time to rehearse. We were hoping you could do a little dance prod," he said.

"Um, I don't dance," RJ said quickly.

"But you do... Remember when you did that little dance routine from M--"

RJ shot her a warning look and she giggled. "You'd be dancing too," he reminded her.

"Don't worry DeiJay we have the best choreographers in the industry. That one week should be enough to get you guys into shape and you'd be like dancing pros in no time!" the woman said.

"I don't know..." Dei said, looking at RJ.

"Mr. Bellasai has agreed on letting you guys rehearse for 4 hours every other day until Saturday." the man said.

RJ groaned and dropped his face on his hands.

"It'll just be a very short production number, promise." the man said.

"Babe?" Dei called, pulling the sleeve of his shirt.

"Fine," he said, letting out a huge sigh and Dei's face broke into an excited grin.

Nervous as she was, she couldn't wait to do this with him. After all, nothing spells scorching hot better than a dancing RJ Faulkerson.


"I don't think I've ever been this nervous my whole life," RJ whispered as he and Dei sat cross legged on the stage floor. They were waiting for their choreographers to meet them, and they did so while watching the other dancers practice their own routines.

"You don't know how I feel," Dei said, looking around anxiously and starting to regret her decision of being involved in the whole thing. The stage was quite small but it was completely surrounded by audience seats. She didn't know the place could seat more than a few hundred people, and the thought of performing in front of them petrified her.

A few minutes later the choreographers arrived and quickly showed them the dance routine that they were supposed to perform. Dei's mouth fell open and she felt her face starting to blush as she realized how sexy their dance steps were going to be.

"You know what, I'm actually starting to like this," RJ whispered to her as they watched.

Dei moved her hand discreetly to his side and pinched him hard.

"Ouch!" he hissed, grabbing her hand.

"Why am I not surprised?" Dei said, her mouth barely moving as she continued to watch the choreography.

"You like it too, don't you?" he teased.

"RJ, I'm gonna pinch you again and I swear you would end up howling in pain," she threatened, looking at him.

"Do that and I'm gonna kiss you right here," he countered, smirking at her as they stared at each other.

"Did you guys get the steps?" the female choreographer asked, breaking off their little naughty exchange.

The two of them let go of each other and looked up at her. "Yes."

The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur as they immersed themselves in the whole rehearsal. The choreographers were very strict and demanding, making sure that their steps were done perfectly and that their hands and bodies were in the right places.

The routine wasn't as easy as they expected. There were liftings and loads of footwork and there were a lot of grinding too. By the end of the rehearsal, Dei was feeling sore all over. She couldn't remember doing that much physical activity in her life.

"On Friday we're going to start teaching you the hard part," the female choreographer told them.

"Oh, that wasn't the hard part yet?" Dei couldn't stop herself from asking.

"Not even close," the choreographer smiled.


"They said it's going to be just a short production number. Why do I feel like they're prepping us up for Dancing With The Stars?" Dei complained as they got into RJ's car. "I think I'm gonna need a medicated patch for my arms, my legs, my back, my thighs... And we're not even practicing the 'hard part' yet."

RJ chuckled. "Don't you do yoga? Shouldn't that prepare your body for activities like this?"

"Well not for something as demanding as this one. Plus I haven't done any yoga this past week." Dei said, massaging her shoulders.

"Do you want to get a massage first before we head home?" RJ asked.

"That sounds great."

"For the record though, you were great back there. I really enjoyed watching you dance," RJ praised her as they drove off the parking lot. "And not only because of the steps, you're really a fantastic dancer," he added quickly.

Dei gave him a smug smile. "Well I enjoyed watching you dance too and not only because you're a good dancer... I actually liked the steps too."

RJ quickly glanced at her. "Are you sure you don't wanna go home yet?"

Dei laughed. "You're too excited. I want that massage first. And then some food. And then maybe we can practice some more when we get home..."

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