Chapter 65 - Weak

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RJ met a few more of Dei's relatives after the bouquet and garter catching and they sure were a loud and crazy bunch. He would usually find Dei dropping her face on her palm whenever one of her relatives did or said something absolutely crazy and he just found it so adorable. He loved how tightly knit their clan seemed to be and he was touched at how warm they have welcomed him.

At a few minutes before 10PM, he glanced at Dei and saw her stifling a yawn. The newlyweds had just finished dancing and the emcee was encouraging the guests to get on the dance floor and take advantage of the good music.

"Wanna dance?" he asked her, holding his palm out as the ballroom got filled with the wonderful melody of the next instrumental love song that was played.

"Yes, sure." Dei smiled and took his hand.

He slowly led her to the dance floor and held her on her waist so he could pull her closer to him. Then they swayed to the music as they stared into each other's eyes.

"You take my breath away," he whispered to her and she smiled, blushing a little.

"And you make me feel weak in the knees," she countered.

They stared at each other for a second and then bursted out laughing, both of them amused at their own sappiness.

"Love sure makes us cheesy, doesn't it?" Dei said as they danced around the ballroom. RJ extended their arms and she twirled twice.

"It does, yeah," RJ said when she was back against his chest. "It makes us do stupid things too but then also helps us learn from it... Just like I did from what happened. I'm sorry, Dei."

She placed her palm on his cheek and brushed her thumb on it gently. "I'm trying to forget that now. I forgive you," she whispered.

RJ sighed and held her closer. "Did you know I went looking for you almost everywhere that night? I drove around the area and even drove to your apartment. I was desperately trying to find you and my heart broke each time I tried to call you and the calls got ignored, or whenever I got texts from Matt or James telling me they couldn't reach you. When I went up to the penthouse I was so sure that I already lost you."

Dei sighed at the memory. "I planned on going home to my parents' then. I was already inside the cab. I texted Matt and told him I didn't wanna be part of the project anymore - that was how hurt I was. And then I remembered what he said about you having to fly back to New York once the project is over, and although I was so mad at you then, I really couldn't bear the thought of you moving so far away. I came back but my plan was just to finish the project so you could stay here a bit longer. I had no plans of getting back to you right away. But then I saw you and my resolve just crumbled, especially as I watched you crying like you did. I remembered that line from a quote I once read about not giving up on the one you love no matter how bad or painful the situation is. That's how much I love you."

"I know. And I'm such a lucky bastard," RJ said, leaning his forehead against Dei's. "I have hurt you so much, Dei, but I'm trying my best to fix that... I hope I'm trying well enough."

"You are..." she whispered.

"I can't bear the thought of losing you, babe, and if I could, I would ask you to marry me now. But I know you're not ready. You still think we're moving too fast, don't you?"

She nodded. "I wanna be certain that you are indeed sure of your readiness for that kind of commitment. You've been through a lot, RJ. You were broken. I want to be sure that that is what you really want, and we really can't tell that this early, can we?"

RJ smiled considerately. "I understand. And I'll wait until you're not scared anymore."

"Thank you," she said looking up at him with a grateful smile.

RJ brushed a few strands of hair from her face and sighed. "I really want to kiss you now..."

"You're on probation."

"Really..." RJ said, lifting his eyebrow at her.

Dei ducked her head and blushed before looking back at him. "Just one kiss. And make it longer this time or I'll knee you to the crotch." she said almost frowning.

"Your feistiness turns me on, babe," he said, chuckling.

"Just shut up and kiss me!"

And he did, a slow sweet kiss that made her feel weak in the knees all over again.

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