Chapter 89 - A Special Kind of Love

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"Are you alright?" Dei laughed as she fastened the three top buttons on RJ's polo. He had been adjusting his collar too much throughout the drive to her parents' house and kept unbuttoning his shirt.

"Leave the top open, babe, I can't breathe," RJ complained. They were parked right outside of the Mendoza's home, getting their nerves ready for their announcement.

They got out of the car and was met by Dei's mom, Anne, at the gate. "Dei... and RJ, ijo, welcome back!" she said happily, giving them both a huge hug. "Your dad can't wait to see you both."

Dei noticed two more parked cars on the driveway inside. "Who else is here mom?"

"Your grandmother is here as well as your Tita Ely and Tita Tess," Anne answered. "We told them you were coming and they wanted to see you both again before they fly back to the province."

Dei glanced at RJ and saw him biting his lip. As much as possible, they wanted to talk to just her parents for now so RJ could explain well, and also to allow her father to express himself freely. She was worried that having her other relatives around could make the setting a bit more awkward that it already was.

Ted, Dei's father met them at the door and shook RJ's hand after giving Dei a hug. "Kids, how are you? How was your trip?"

"It was awesome, Daddy. I had a great time," Dei said, pulling RJ's hand.

They had dinner first with Dei's aunts fussing over RJ while they ate. They adored him too much. When the meal was over and they were just sitting around the dining table chatting, Dei cleared her throat and held RJ's hand.

"Guys we have something to tell you," she began and all five set of eyes turned to look at them both expectantly. "RJ and I are engaged."

Her aunts clasped their hands together excitedly and one of them even squealed while her grandmother nodded, smiling. Dei's mom however glanced nervously at her dad and Ted looked at them quietly.

He cleared his throat. "That's quite a surprise although not totally unexpected. So are you getting married next year or the year after next?"

"Actually sir, we're planning to get married in 6 months or less." RJ replied, squeezing Dei's hand under the table.

Dei's aunts gasped audibly and her Tita Tess shook her head. Her aunts were very superstitious.

"But Coleen just got married more than a month ago," Ted said. "Why are you in a hurry? Is my daughter pregnant?"

"What? No, daddy..." Dei said.

"Actually I need to be transferred back to New York for a promotion, sir, and I wanted to take Dei with me," RJ said. "She already applied for a job there and got accepted right away."

Ted glanced at Dei. "And you never told us about this because...?"

"It just happened two days ago, Daddy. I really need to move with RJ. It just doesn't make sense for me to stay here while he's working in New York," Dei answered.

"How long have you two been together again?" her dad asked and RJ's heart sank.

"A little more than two months, sir," he replied, swallowing hard.

"I see," Ted said, heaving a clearly disappointed sigh. He took his glass and left the dining table. He walked towards the garden right beside the living room and sat on one of the chairs.

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