Chapter 104 - The Honeymoon

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AN: Waaaaah... so I finally finished writing this chapter and believe me it was so freaking hard. I started writing this yesterday morning and only got to finish it now. Whew.

So yeah...


Be warned. This will be unlike any other harot chapters I've ever given you since Run Away. Lol.

Prepare everything you need before you start reading this:

- a fan
- a glass of water (maybe a pitcher)
- the AC
- maybe a bottle of holy water

And remember the following:

- Don't read if you're a minor
- Don't read while at work
- Don't read while on a public transpo
- Don't read in public
- Don't read if you're pabebe

- Don't read if you're a minor- Don't read while at work- Don't read while on a public transpo- Don't read in public- Don't read if you're pabebe

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"Come on," RJ said as he pulled Dei to the exit near their dining table. He was walking briskly as if trying to beat an unknown deadline.

They got to the elevator lobby and he pushed the up button impatiently several times, as they waited for it to come down.

"Too excited?" Dei teased despite the frantic beating of her heart inside her chest.

"Dei, you have no idea," he said, gazing at her intently and biting his lip.

The elevator door opened and they stepped in at once. He pulled her by the waist as the doors closed and smushed his lips to hers. His other hand glided into her nape, drawing her face closer so he could kiss her deeper as he drove her against the back wall. Dei tried to breathe despite the crazy thumping of her heart and she moved her arms around his neck, vaguely aware that they were still inside an elevator, but was already too consumed by need to even care.

They heard a "ding!" and Dei forced her eyes open.

"Babe, our floor," she whispered, panting, as she lifted RJ's hand from her chest.

He exhaled sharply and planted a quick kiss on her lips before pulling her hand and leading her out of the elevator and into the hallway. He hastily slid the key card on their door when they reached their room. "Come here," he said gruffly and pulled Dei inside. He grabbed the "Do Not Disturb" sign and hung it on the door knob outside while Dei walked farther into the room.

She giggled nervously when she saw what he was doing. "Is that really necessary?" she asked.

"Yep," RJ answered and he turned to face her. "Finally," he said and he started walking towards her, slowly and with heated gaze. He shrugged his coat off and dropped it to the floor then pulled the bowtie away from his collar. "So... what were you expecting, Dei?" he asked. "Why did you want a month long time out?"

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