Chapter 17 - Beach Trip 2

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"Earth to RJ!" Beth said, snapping her fingers on RJ's face. He blinked and looked at her.

"Your jaw just fell to the floor, dude, let me pick it up!" she said sarcastically, pretending to pick something up from the floor. "God, Faulkerson, don't be so freaking obvious if you don't want to scare her away!" she blurted at him, knocking his head slightly before walking back to Dei.

"Dude, your girlfriend!" RJ hissed at Ken but he just laughed.

"Just relax, RJ. Take a deep breath and you'll get through it," he whispered, chuckling, before running after Beth and pulling her by the waist.

RJ walked tentatively towards the balcony. Dei was looking wistfully at the ocean and he tried to focus his attention to the sea waves instead.

"Hey," he whispered as he stepped beside her.

"Hi!" she said looking at him and he noticed her glance down his torso for a few seconds, her gaze lingering a bit on his abs before looking back on his face, her cheeks bright pink.

Okay, I can't do this, Imma just go back to the villa and pray.

"I wanna go jet-skiing," she suddenly said, pointing at three people driving past on jet-skis.

"Let's go!" Beth said excitedly, pulling Ken away from the banister on the balcony and running towards the door.

"They're cute," Dei said beside RJ. "And it's really amazing that they've been together since high school."

"Yea, they've been inseparable since freshmen year," RJ agreed, leaning against the banister and watching the couple run out into the sandy shores.

"Inspiring... and they still look so perfectly happy," she commented, watching as Ken carried Beth by the waist and pretended to throw her at the waters.

"They complement each other very well." RJ said, looking at Dei.

"I wonder if I could have a relationship that'll last that long and stay that strong..." she said wishfully.

RJ moved nearer and clasped her hand. "We can try..." he said.

Dei looked at him. "You're ready to commit to something that long?" she asked.

He smiled. "With you, yes." He moved his arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer.

"GUYS!!! ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?" Beth shouted from the ground.


They spent the entire afternoon doing water sports, eating, and lounging by the chaises that were placed on the shores. By the evening, the four of them gathered around a small bonfire that the boys created, and they sat on blocks of dried woods.

Ken brought his guitar and was playing a song while Beth sang. RJ and Dei just watched them and they were snuggled together with a blanket around them. They were holding hands under the blanket, and RJ had his other hand wrapped around her shoulders while she leaned on his chest.

Dei was laughing so loud at Ken and Beth's antics - they were changing the lyrics up on the songs and exaggerating emotions in them and they looked adorably stupid together.

Yep, they're a perfect match, RJ thought.

"You should hear Dei sing, she's really good!" RJ told them.

"What? No!" Dei protested, slapping his arm.

"C'mon, Dei," Beth urged her. "Just one song please!"

"Let me play for her," RJ said, taking the guitar from Ken. He started playing the chords for Lucky. "Do you know this song?" he asked her.


"Let's sing it together so you won't be shy," he said.

Dei nodded and smiled.

The other couple watched them as they sang and Beth had to heave a happy sigh as she felt the connection between the two.

"You know what, RJ, as much as you annoy me sometimes, I'm actually very happy for you now." Beth said when they finished singing.

"And you know how proud and happy I am, bro." Ken agreed.

RJ just smiled at them and looked at Dei who was staring at him affectionately.

"I'd love to see the look on Christine's face when she finally finds out about this," Beth said bitterly.

"Beth..." Ken warned.

"Who's Christine?" Dei asked, looking at them.

RJ glared at Beth and cleared his throat before answering. "My ex-girlfriend."

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