Chapter 79 - Soak

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"God, I never expected that single trip to the HQ to be this much stressful," RJ said as he laid his head on Dei's lap, with his eyes closed.

They had gone straight back to their hotel room after the quick visit to TrendBuzz, and they decided to just stay there and rest until the planned hang out with RJ's office buddies later that afternoon.

"Don't think about it too much, babe. Anyway Mark has given you two months to decide. A lot can happen in two months that may affect your decision," Dei said, massaging his head gently.

"In two months I still won't want to leave you, Dei," RJ said, opening his eyes to look at her. "I go crazy whenever we have to be apart because of the stupid timeout, what do you think would happen if I move a thousand miles away from you? I won't function. At all. Especially now."

Dei sighed. "I don't want to be the reason for you to miss huge opportunities like this one, RJ," she said sadly.

RJ lifted his head and looked at her with his elbow propped on the bed. "Seriously Dei? Come here."

He adjusted his position so his head was on the pillows and then pulled Dei to lie beside him. "There's no greater opportunity than to be able to spend almost every moment of my life with you, Dei." he said, touching her face.

"But that's impractical," she said, lying on her side and facing him.

RJ exhaled sharply. "Can you tell me what you really feel about all this? Do you honestly think I should accept it?" RJ asked.

"I shouldn't be the one making decisions for you, RJ."

"You're not. But I'm asking for your help. You're a huge part of my life, Dei, and I want you to be involved in every decisions I make," he said.

Dei sighed loudly. "Well I'm torn. I know this promotion means a lot to you, but I also can't imagine being that far away from you."

"You can transfer with me here. We'll find a way to get your papers processed quickly," RJ told her and then realized something, "... but would you like that, babe? Would you want to move here?" Somehow he was scared of what she was going to answer.

"I thought you'd never ask me that," she said, grumbling.

"Of course I would," he answered. "I'll never push you into doing anything you wouldn't wanna do."

Dei heaved another sigh. "To be honest, I'm not sure. Accepting your proposal was already a huge step for me... I don't know... uprooting myself from home at this point just seems too drastic, especially this early. It's scary, moving myself that far away from my family."

"But you will be with me, and soon enough, I will be your family. Isn't that the way it should be, Dei?" RJ asked, looking a bit hurt.

Dei moved closer to him and nestled deep into his chest as she wrapped her arm tightly around his waist. "Let's not talk about this now, babe. We're on vacation and this is stressing us out. We have loads of time to think about this when we get home. We need time to think about it well. I need the time. You do know this is all new to me, right?" she said, looking up at him.

"Yes," he said shortly.

Dei kissed his lips. "Just so you know, I really want to be with you. I'm looking forward to being married to you. I'm just not ready to move this far from home this early. I'm scared. I hope you understand."

RJ sighed and wrapped his arm tightly around her shoulders. "I know... and I understand, or at least I'm trying to. We'll figure this out together," he said, pressing his lips on her head.

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