Chapter 26 - Carved

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"She what?"

"She talked to me," Dei repeated. "And she was nice so you can stop worrying about it. She's not here to cause trouble."

They were sitting together in one of the more secluded booths of their favorite restaurant, and Dei just told RJ about the conversation she had with Christine.

"You don't understand, Dei, she can't be trusted," RJ said.

Dei smirked. "You stayed with her for three years and yet you say she can't be trusted."

"Well she cheated on me and left me for another guy, didn't she?" he countered.

"Hmmm... Touché." She sighed. "Well, since we are on the subject of trust. Can I count on you to trust me to know if there is something fishy going on. I'll be on my toes, I promise. You wouldn't think I'd let her steal my man, would you?"

RJ smiled. He pulled her by the waist and kissed her on the cheek, just beside her ear. "Your man, huh?" he couldn't help the wide grin on his face.

"Yea... Mine." she said, grinning back.

RJ leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Longer." Dei demanded.

RJ's grin grew wider still and he kissed her longer. "I like this booth. This should be our special booth." he said when they pulled away. He grabbed the bread knife from Dei's plate and started carving on the wooden table.

"Hey, what are you doing? That's vandalism!" Dei hissed at him, looking around.

"It'll just be very small," he insisted, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he finished his little artwork.

"There!" he said proudly, showing her his work. On the edge of the table, very visible against the wood, was a carving of their names about half an inch small. He put a heart around it too.

"Wow, that's quite a masterpiece," Dei said, smiling

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"Wow, that's quite a masterpiece," Dei said, smiling.

"Thank you." RJ said proudly.

"Let me take a snap and post it on SC," she said.

She then looked at him and smiled, shaking her head. "You're like a high schooler when you're in love, you know that?" she teased, laughing.

"Well... I've never been this in love," he said, pulling her in for another kiss.

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