Chapter 50 - TB Day 1

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"So why is everyone so excited about this corporate cup and the team building itself?" Dei asked as she sat on the passenger seat of RJ's car. It was Friday morning and they were driving to the team building venue in the south.

"Bragging rights," RJ answered. "And there's a year-long worth of perks."

"And you're very confident that you'll win this year because...?"

"Because we always do, babe. Three years in a row. We're the unbeatables!" he said, giving her a smirk.

"Cocky," Dei said, rolling her eyes. "So what happens during the team building? What are the competitions?"

"Well there are the more silly ones - like charades and games like family feud or their own version of Jeopardy."

"That sounds like fun," Dei said.

"Yep. Then there are the physical activities that aim to test the strength of each team... And then there's beach volleyball. Do you play beach volley?" RJ asked, looking at her.

Dei smiled. "You'll see."

They arrived at the venue a few minutes before 12. After the registrations were done, lunch was served for everyone and Matt and the rest of the management team discussed their itinerary for the weekend.

They were pretty much free to do anything they wanted the whole afternoon since the actual event was scheduled to start at 6PM. RJ and Dei decided to walk around the beach and do some water activities while waiting.

They saw Ken and the other guys already lounging by the shore so they approached them and the boys gave RJ a high five.

"Hi, Dei!" the three boys greeted her and she smiled at them in greeting.

"Doesn't it suck though, RJ?" Railey asked suddenly, "Dei's here so you can't enjoy the beautiful sights as much as we can... I mean like you used too," he said, grinning at him while gesturing to a bunch of girls running to the beach.

RJ tapped the back of his head hard and walked away. "I've got all that I need here, Rai!" he said as he and Dei walked towards the water activities area, and the guys jeered at him. He shook his head laughing and wrapped his arms tighter around her waist. "I'm sorry, my friends are crazy," he whispered.

Dei laughed, "They were just teasing. I know that isn't a problem now," she said, looking up at him with a smile.

They tried all the water activities they could get into and took many pictures too. They planned on just posting it on their page once they get home since the data signal was crappy and intermittent where they were so they couldn't post snap chats as often as they wanted to.

They did parasailing and Dei was so scared the first few minutes that they were on the air...

They did parasailing and Dei was so scared the first few minutes that they were on the air

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