Cheater (R)

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For: no one


"Aaron? I'm home!" you yell through your boyfriend's apartment. There's no response so you start looking around for him.

As you open the bedroom door you wish you'd never come back. Aaron is in there, with his tongue down some girl's throat.

You cough, your eyes brimming with tears. Aaron breaks apart from the girl and looks at you shocked.

"Baby you're home!" He gets up and walks over to you. You couldn't believe that he was acting like nothing happened. Even the girl sat on his bed looked surprised. You'd been warned about Aaron, but you'd ignored everyone because you thought you were in love with him.

"How could you?" you sob. Your heart was shattered at what you'd just had to witness.

"She's way better than you would ever be." he sneers. What a dick.

"You're unbelievable." you whisper, gathering all of your things and heading out of the door.

You call your best friend who picks up almost instantly. You needed him more than anything right now.

"Y/n?" Reece's voice calls through your phone, his voice laced with confusion because you hardly ever call him unless it's an emergency. There was never any need to, you were together almost all day every day.

"C-can I come over?" you stutter, trying to stop your voice from breaking like your heart had.

"Yes of course! Don't cry y/n, tell me everything when you get here." he says, sounding worried.

You hang up and run all the way to his house. He only lived down the street from Aaron and you were so glad about that. You wouldn't have been able to drive in your state. Reece is stood on his doorstep waiting for you.

He embraces you in a hug as soon as you reach him and start to sob into his chest. Reece leads you to his room and sits you down on the bed with him.

"What's wrong?" He asks, placing his hand on your leg soothingly.

"Aaron cheated on me." you choke the words out. Reece sighs and pulls you closer.

"He doesn't deserve you y/n. He never has. God, there are so many people out there who are better for you." he furrows his eyebrows together, looking absolutely fuming about your now ex boyfriend.

You sigh, stopping the tears after realising he wasn't worth crying over.

"I know but I loved him. I think I did anyway. He was a piece of crap." you frown at Reece, laughing at how ironic this whole situation was. Reece had warned you so many times about Aaron and you hadn't listened.

"Y/n, I know you just got out of a relationship but I have liked you for a long time. I can't believe that Aaron would do that. No, that's a lie. I knew he was going to do it. But I can treat you better than he could ever."

His words take you by shock. He'd been by your side since you were in nappies, but you'd never really thought of Reece in that way. He was right though and you knew it, he knew you inside and out.

"Reece, I don't know if I'm ready." you sigh again, not knowing what to say.

"Please. Just one chance. One date. That's it." he pleads.

"Okay." you say eventually. "One date. If it goes well, that's great. But if it doesn't, you have to promise me our friendship won't be ruined."

"Nothing could ruin our friendship y/n." he smiles, pulling you over to lay down with him. His arms feel safe. You'd had him the whole time and you hadn't even realised.

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