Bachelorette (B)

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B L A K E  R I C H A R D S O N

For: gyukamoll


"How are you feeling?" Abbie asks excitedly, glass on champagne in her hand as you and all of your bridesmaids sit in the back of a limo. Tonight is your bachelorette party, completely organised by your maid of honour. You'd decided to give Blake's sister the role as she'd been nothing but loving towards you and your relationship with her brother since day one and was already like a sister to you.

"A little nervous." you confess with a laugh. It was true; you'd been at plenty of your friends bachelorette parties before and the night was absolutely crazy, but you trusted Abbie to not make you too uncomfortable.

"I promise, you're going to love it." one of your friends assures you. The fact they all know what the night has in store and you don't is scary.

"And if you don't, we'll go and celebrate somewhere else!" Abbie adds before raising her glass. "Now, I believe we're here so let's raise a toast to having the best night celebrating the fact that you're about to join my family."

Everyone raises their glasses before downing their drinks, you included, and file out of the limousine.

You're confused when you see that you've arrived at your shared home with Blake. Abbie notices your confusion and grabs your hand to pull you through the door. As soon as you walk into the kitchen you're greeted with every woman important to your life stood in the back garden. Everyone cheers when you step outside and you feel nothing but happiness in your heart.

Without hesitation, you wrap your arms around Abbie. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" you exclaim.

"Go and greet your guests. You have a lot to get through." she chuckles as she passes you another drink. You have a feeling this is the first of many you'll be presented with tonight.

You walk around the garden for a while, thanking every single person individually for coming and drinking far too much.

It's around ten when you hear a loud grumble of a few cars over the music blaring from the speakers inside your house, but shake it off thinking it's just the local kids messing around.

Suddenly, your fiancé and all of his friends appear through the side gate and you almost cry at the sight.

"You didn't." you beam at Abbie and her thoughtfulness. You didn't expect to see Blake until the early hours of the morning, and having him here to celebrate the two of you together was a dream come true.

"I did." Abbie grins before pushing you forwards. "Go and get your man a drink!"

You grab a filled glass from the table and make your way over to the boys. Blake has the same fulfilled and happy smile mirrored on his face from yours, and pulls you into a hug. He's careful not to spill the two drinks in your hands, and Tanner takes the opportunity to grab Blake's glass and chug the liquid.

"That was meant for Blake you absolute knob." Reece says sarcastically, and pretends to whack Tanner over the head with a laugh while George disappears into the garden. You can't help but laugh at Blake's friends, but feel very grateful when George returns with another drink for Blake.

"To us." he raises his glass, watching with a smirk as you do the same.

"To us." you repeat his words, knowing life can't get much better than this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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