He yours? Part 2 (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: mrsdracofelton


George had made light conversation the whole way to the park. You knew he didn't want to ask a question that was too personal and overstep a boundary but you didn't mind him knowing. George was the one person you trusted.

"You can ask about it you know." you say, giving him the confirmation he wanted. George let's out a sigh of relief, looking back at Lucas in his seat while you drive.

"How did you hide it all?" he asks, looking nervous incase he crosses a line.

"It was difficult. Everyone that knew really underestimated me and thought I wouldn't manage having Lucas. In the end the arguments got so bad with my parents that I got a job so I could move out. I work at home, obviously, but now I have to bring Lucas everywhere I go." you explain, watching his facial expression turn to pity.

"I'm sorry." he apologises. You don't know what he could possibly be guilty for and you feel bad about the whole situation.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for George." you smile, reaching over and patting his knee.

"I should have been there." he sighs again, leaning back into his seat and looking at Lucas guiltily.

"George you didn't know. We were fine you know. And we have you now."


"Chocolate!" Lucas squeals, jumping up and down in excitement next to you and George.

"You want a chocolate ice cream?" George asks your son, bending down to his level so they can talk properly.

"Yes please!" he answers politely. George reaches down and whispers something into his ear that you can't hear, and Lucas erupts into laughter. Seeing George being like this with your little boy was refreshing after all the judgemental looks you both got today.

"What do you want? I'll get it." George smiles sweetly at you once he's stood up.

"You don't have to do that."

"You've both had a tough day. Let me at least buy you ice cream y/n."

There's no point arguing with him so you give him your order and he goes up to the counter.

"One chocolate ice cream for Lucas." George passes the cone into his little hands, watching him dig straight in.

"He doesn't hang about." George chuckles in your direction.

"He got that from me." you smirk, taking your ice cream from George and walking outside to find a bench.

You sit and chat for a while, getting to know each other better while Lucas plays with the other little kids.

"I'm glad you're with us George. Thank you." you rest your head on his shoulder, watching your son run around.

"I'll always be here."


So I saw The Vamps and NHC last night and had the best time of my life. I vlogged it and I left the link to my channel in my bio so if you want to go watch the boys performing go ahead <3

The boys sang love again and I almost cried I love it so much

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