Longing (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: eternalnamjoon


You walk into the party, feeling the music thump underneath your feet. Parties aren't usually your thing, but tonight one of your friends dragged you out to a house party a few roads down.

"I'm going to get some drinks, you coming?" she asks and you nod, following closely behind her so you don't end up on your own.

She hands you a cup and you take a sip, grimacing as the liquid burns your throat.

You stick by your friend for as long as you possibly can, chiming into her conversations instead of getting to know other people.

Eventually she announces she's going to the toilet and you groan at her non existent presence. You knew you'd be separated at some point tonight, but you didn't want it to be this early.

Deciding to get a top-up of your drink so you can avoid as many awkward conversations as possible, you make your way into the kitchen. It's a lot quieter in this room and you sigh in relief as you pour the liquid into your cup.

"Y/n?" a voice calls from behind you and you turn, not expecting your old school friend to be stood there.

"Reece? So good to see you!" you exclaim, ditching your drink to give him a hug. It's been years since you last saw each other, both of your lives being too busy to think about old school friends.

"How come you're here? Parties were never your scene." Reece chuckles as the memories you don't want to revisit come flashing into both of your minds.

"I got dragged here to be left alone, but I'm fine now that you've found me." you grin, "My Prince Charming has come to rescue me."

You and Reece talk for hours until the party starts to simmer down, catching up on each other's life and laughing about old times.

"Let me walk you home." Reece offers as you grab your jacket from the sofa you'd made yourself comfortable on. Your friend hasn't made her way back to you yet so you conclude that she's probably found someone to go home with and is long gone.

"Sure, thank you." you smile, walking out of the door and into the quiet road.

It doesn't take long for the pair of you to reach your door, still cracking jokes and laughing like children. You step onto the patio and turn around to face Reece, grateful and happy that he's back in your life.

"Thank you for tonight," you mumble into his shoulder as he brings you in for a hug. Reece looses his footing and stumbles forwards slightly.

When you pull away and realise how close you've become you let out a shaky breath. You can't help but flicker your eyes from his own eyes to his lips, longing to be with him in the moment.

"Can I kiss you?" Reece whispers, feeling the same as you are. You nod and close the gap, pressing your lips against his softly as he presses you against the door. His hands find their way to your waist while you lock yours into his hair, pulling at the roots gently. A groan escapes his mouth and he pulls back after kissing your cheek.

"I'll see you soon."

And with that, he walks down your path and out onto the street, leaving you flustered on the doorstep.


quick a/n lol, if anyone likes peaky blinders i've created a new account which is full of imagines and fics in the works, a few are already published. didn't want to put them on this account because i felt like they didn't really fit. i'll also be uploading stuff to do with stranger things, tom holland (and haz because wow what a babe) teen wolf, the vampire diaries, shadowhunters etc etc so keep a look out if you're a fan xo
the account is laheylo if you're interested

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