Loverboy (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: no one


"Here is your coffee, and here is your latte." you smile at the old couple, the last people in the shop to be served.

"Thank you dear, could I have some extra sugar?" The woman says sweetly.

"Of course! Excuse me." you politely say, making your way back to the counter.

"Here you go! Is there anything else I can help you with?" you question the couple.

"No thank you, that's it my dear. Here, have a tip." the man says, giving you a ten pound note.

"Thank you! Enjoy your drinks!" you nod excitedly, rushing back behind the counter and stashing the money along with your pay from today in your bag.

A text makes your phone vibrate, so you pick it up and read it.

George: sorry, I've been held up for another day and can't make it back tonight :( see you tomorrow, love you xxx

Me: hey it's okay, see you tomorrow xx

You sigh at the text, a frown appearing on your face. George has been gone on tour for so long now and you've really missed him.

You've missed his laugh, his hugs, his kisses, his voice, the way he holds you so close as if someone is trying to take you away from him.

You glance back over at the old couple, smiling and laughing. You take a moment to just watch how cute it is. That's what you want you and George to turn out like.

As you start to pack away, the doorbell chimes, alerting you that somebody has come in. It's past hours, why would anyone come in?

You look up and see that all too familiar face.

"George!" you yell, running into his arms. His jacket is cold and wet from the rain but you don't care. You're happy to be back in his arms.

"Y/n, I've missed you so much." he says, kissing your forehead.

"You told me you were coming back tomorrow!" you sob, not letting go of him.

"I wanted to surprise you." he smiles.

"I love you so much George!" you cry into his chest, not even looking around to see what the old couple are doing.

You'd completely forgotten about them if you were being honest.

"Alright dear, we're going to take off. Have fun with your loverboy." the woman says, taking her husband's hand as they leave.

You smile and watch them walk outside, seeing the man opening his umbrella and sharing it with his wife.

"Young love, what a beautiful thing." you hear the woman say as they walk around the corner.

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