Baking (B)

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B L A K E  R I C H A R D S O N

For: xxluvmybandsxx


"Y/n." Blake whispers your name quietly, "As much as I love cuddling with you, can we do something? We've done nothing all day!"

"I do need to make a cake for Mum's birthday tomorrow. Do you want to help with that?" you suggest, turning yourself so you can see his face.

"Yeah. That could be fun." he smirks.

"You better not throw an egg at me like last time you 'helped' Richardson. You'll be sorry if you do." you warn your crazy boyfriend.

He hums in approval, the signature smirk still plastered on his face as he follows you into the kitchen.

"Can I mix everything?" Blake asks.

"Blake we have a mixer." you point to the machine on the island.

"I know. I want to control the buttons." he grins.

"I don't know what you're up to B, but sure, why not?" you say, knowing fully well that you'll regret that decision later.

Blake claps his hands in joy and walks over to the sound system to turn some music on while you start measuring the ingredients out.

"Turn the mixer on slowly." you instruct Blake as you place the bowl onto the mixer.

Before you can realise what's happening, Blake turns the mixer all the way up and flour explodes all over the kitchen.

"Blake! I told you to turn it up slowly." you laugh through the frustration.

"Oops? Christmas came early!" he says, looking around at the kitchen which is now covered in the white flour.

"You're an idiot Richardson." you giggle, whacking him lightly on the arm.

"I'm going to go and have a shower, please clean this up." you smile as you turn around.

"But what about your Mum's cake?"

"We can pick something up on the way tomorrow. No one will know the difference."

After my shower, you walk downstairs and to your surprise, Blake did actually clean up all the mess.

"Blake?" you call out his name, not knowing where he is in your house.

"Living room!"

You make your way into the living room, smiling when you see Blake sitting on the floor, guitar in hand and plectrum between his teeth.

"You busy?" you ask, watching as he scribbles something down in the notebook you got him for his last birthday.

"For you? Never. Do you want to hear what I've been working on?" He smiles up at you, placing the book aside.

You nod quickly, sitting down beside him on the soft carpet. You love hearing Blake sing. It's one of your favourite things about him.

"That's a future number one B!"

"Do you think so?" A smile tugs on his lips as he pushes his guitar aside and sits you on his lap.

"I really do." you smile back, pressing your lips softly to his.

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