Perfect little family (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: eternalnamjoon 


"Where are we going Reece?" you ask your long-term boyfriend as we drive through the busy streets.

He stays silent, a grin on his face as he drives. Reece told you just an hour ago that we're going out and to wear something fancy. He's wearing a suit so it must be somewhere really fancy.

You groan in frustration, curiosity almost killing me. "Reece!"

"You'll find out soon." he smirks and takes hold of your hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

Soon enough we arrive in the car park to the most posh place in town. "Reece, why are we here?" you giggle as he opens your door.

He takes your hand and leads you in, telling the waiter next to the door his surname so we get lead to our table.

"I need to ask you something after we've ordered." he says, hiding behind his menu.

"You're acting really strange tonight Bibby," you smirk, swatting his menu down so you can see his face. "But I have something I have to share too."

Reece has a confused look on his face as he wonders what your news could be.

The waiter comes over and asks what you'd like to drink, but before you can say anything Reece has already ordered the most expensive wine on the menu.

"You don't even drink wine Reece."

He chuckles. "It's a posh place y/n, I felt I had to."

After we've ordered our mains, Reece takes a sip of the red wine in front of him and grimaces. "That's disgusting." he whispers to you, so as not to offend anyone on surrounding tables.

"You shouldn't have ordered it!" you giggle at him, going silent when a few older couples send glares your way.

"Everyone's too posh in here. We're not cut out for this." Reece admits, snorting as he sees all the glares.

"Anyway," he begins, "I've been meaning to ask you something for a while and I've decided tonight is the night I finally pluck up the courage to do it."

Reece stands from his chair, taking a small box from his pocket and kneeling down, your hands flying up to your face as a gasp escapes your lips.

"We've been together for several years and there's nobody I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. Y/n, will you do me the honour of being my wife?"

Tears spill out of your eyes as you nod your head frantically, watching as Reece slips the perfect ring onto your finger.

You stand and pull your now-fiancé into a hug, kissing him as everyone around you bursts into applause, even the moody old couples.

"I'm glad the ring fits." Reece laughs, taking your hand from across the table and placing a gentle kiss onto the back of it.

"I have something to share too." you admit, biting your lip nervously as he waits.

"I'm pregnant." you confess, watching Reece's face light up.

"We're having a baby?" he asks, tears brimming his eyes as you nod to confirm.

Reece keeps placing little kisses on the back of your hand. "Little Bibby is going to be the most loved thing in the world!"

six months later

"Where's baby George?"
"Baby Blake you mean."

The crazy pair burst through the doors, Reece rushing over to them and telling them to zip it because the baby's sleeping.

"He's called Riley-Jay John Bibby." you smile at them, watching as their faces drop.

"No Blake?"
"No George?"

You chuckle and shake your head as the pair pout and take a seat glumly (but jokingly) on the sofa, their arms crossed against their chests.

"We have a perfect little family." Reece whispers, placing a kiss on the baby's head.

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