Mornings (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: no one


Your eyes flutter open and adjust to the bright light from the window.

You notice George's arm still draped over you so you turn slowly, taking in his perfect features.

You quickly kiss his forehead before debating whether you should get up or not. Deciding against it, you unplug your phone and scroll through Twitter and Instagram, liking and retweeting any edits of you and George.

You start to get hungry so place your phone on the table next to the bed and roll onto your back.

Carefully, you take George's arm off you and pad downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast.

You switch on the TV, getting out the ingredients to make pancakes, George's favourite.

As you serve the food onto two plates, you feel a pair of arms wrapping around your waist from behind.

"I thought I could smell pancakes." George mumbles, tiredness evident in his voice.

"I decided to make your favourite." you smile, even though he can't see you.

You pick up the plates and untangle yourself from George, setting the pancakes on the table.

George takes the seat opposite you and starts to eat.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too George."

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