Hospital (B)

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For: no one


"Y/n." Blake's voice is shaky as he wakes you up.

"What is it Blake? It's so late." you sit up, rubbing your eyes.

"I don't feel good at all babe, I think I'm going to pass out." he breathes.

"Sit up, I'll get you some water." you kiss his forehead and race downstairs to get him a drink.

"Thank you." he weakly smiles.

"Feel any better?" you ask after he's been sipping water for a while.

"No, my visions gone all weird." he presses a hand up to his head.

"Oh Blake!" you frown, picking up your phone and calling the emergency services.

"Hi, my boyfriend feels like he's about to pass out and his visions gone all weird." you say quickly down the phone.

"Have you sat him up? Given him water?" The woman on the other end asks.

"Done both of those."

"Does he feel any better?"

"Nope." you sigh frustratedly at her.

"Okay, would you be able to bring him in?"

"Yes, I'll get there quickly." you frown.

You help Blake downstairs and into the car, starting the engine and driving off to the hospital.

Blake gets taken to a room by a nurse while you're forced to stay in the seating area.

"Y/n Richardson?" A woman calls out. You stand up immediately and run over to her.

"This way." she smiles, leading you down the long corridors until you reach Blake's room.

"Thank you." you say politely and open the door.

"Blake, baby how do you feel?" you rush over to his side and hold his hand.

"He'll be okay in a few hours, just rest with him until we release him." the doctor nods and walks out the room.

"I love you." you whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

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