Pregnant (B)

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For: no one


"Lils, how am I going to tell tell Blake? And Reece? And George?" you say quickly into the phone.

"Tell them what?" your friend asks confused.

"That I'm pregnant!" you say a little louder than you was meant to.

"You're pregnant?" you hear a voice behind you. You quickly hang up the phone and turn around to see your boyfriend, Blake, standing at the door.

You nod, keeping completely silent.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He sighs.

"I only just found out, and I didn't know how to tell you." you look down at the floor.

"Well, it's amazing news I guess, but god I'm going to be a dad!" Blake comes and pulls you into a hug.

"I thought you were going to be mad at me." you smile, wrapping your arms around him.

"It's as much fault mine as it was yours." Blake laughs and kisses you quickly.

"Come on, we have to tell Reece and George." he takes your hand and leads me to your brother's room.

Blake silently opens the door and Reece is sat on his bed on his phone. He looks up when he sees you both and gives you a confused look.

"Reece, we've got something to tell you." you start.

"Okay?" He asks, a confused look on his face.

"Y/n's pregnant." Blake says calmly.

"Wait what?" Reece says, as if he didn't hear what Blake just said.

"So, I'll be an uncle?" He asks. You nod.

"That's great y/n! Congrats!" He pulls you into a hug.

"I need to tell George, I'll be back in a minute." you smile and leave them alone.

You walk into your room and call George, telling him the news.

"Y/n! That's great oh my god! I'm coming shopping with you for him or her okay?" George says excitedly down the phone.

"Okay! I'm so excited." you smile.

Blake comes in as you hang up from your call with George.

"I love you." he whispers.

"I love you too."

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