He yours? (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: mrsdracofelton


"Thank you so much for understanding and letting me do this Sir!" you say, shaking your headteacher's hand in gratitude.

"Always here to help y/n. I know how hard these situations can be." he smiles as you leave his office.

"Hey, y/n!" you hear your name being called. George Smith runs up to your side as you walk through the busy corridor, trying desperately to get to your first class of the day.

"Are you okay? How come you were in Mr Hartford's office?" he questions.

Not really in the mood to answer his questions, you reply with a simple: "Doesn't matter G. You'll find out eventually."

You guess you could say George is your only 'friend' in this place. You're seen as really quiet. Well, you're not really seen at all to most people, but you get the point.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're walking the wrong way. We've got Chemistry." George grabs onto your arm.

"Oh." you send him a weak smile and follow him in the other direction. When you arrive, there's only two spaces left in the whole room and they're right next to each other. You roll your eyes and take the seat next to George, knowing you'll have to put up with his constant questions for the next hour.

Just as you think things couldn't get any worse, you realise who else is sat at your chemistry pod. Reece Bibby and Blake Richardson. You'll have to put up with all three of them now. Great.

"Y/n! How you doing?" Blake asks. You don't answer him; you just stare down at your book and pray the teacher starts her lesson soon.

"What's up with her today?" Reece asks George and he shrugs. "She's not very talkative today. Found her as she left Hartford's office."

"Oh damn."

You let out a small cough to tell them that you're still here and can hear everything they say. They all fall silent and you sigh.

"We're your friends y/n. We want to make sure you're okay, which you clearly aren't." Blake reaches over the pod and places his hand on your arm.

"We're hardly friends Blake. You don't know anything about me." you say, your voice in a whisper because the teacher has now started talking about atoms or some rubbish.


"Oh my God is that Y/n?"
"Holy Crap!"

Everyone stares at you as you walk down the corridor with your three year old in your arms.

After your visit to Mr Hartford yesterday, you came to the agreement that you could bring your son to school with you as you were no longer living with your parents and couldn't leave him alone.

Every member of staff was so supportive through it. The students however, that was a different story all together.

"Is he yours?" you find myself running into Reece and Blake as they stare at you in horror.

Your head nods slowly and they roll their eyes, storming off to who knows where together. You're completely alone in this.

"Mummy, why is everyone looking?" Lucas snuggles into the crook of your neck, clearly uncomfortable with the attention.

"Ignore them baby." you whisper to him, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head and continue the walk to English.

You take the seat at the back, putting Lucas on the seat next to you. "Try to be quiet baby. I'll get you ice cream when we go home if you're good."

That's all it takes for your little boy to sit there in silence, playing with a couple of toys and giggling silently to himself.

"Mr Smith! Nice of you to join us."

Here we go. George spots you and Lucas at the back and heads straight towards you, taking the empty seat in front.

"He yours?" he asks. You nod, honestly not caring what anyone thinks anymore.

"He's cute. Got your eyes." he smiles.

The day drags on because of all the looks and questions you receive. Lucas doesn't seem too bothered by it all, which you're glad about.

"Y/n!" George calls after you as you start strapping Lucas into his car seat. He runs up to the car and leans against the side of it, watching you sort Lucas out.

"What do you want George?" you sigh, closing the car door and crossing your arms.

"I know you've got a lot of shit today and I just wanted to make sure you're both okay."

It was kind of him. He's been the only person who's not looked at you as a monster today, and you were grateful for that.

"We're fine. Thanks for checking G." you smile, using the nickname you'd grown to like over the years.

"Would it be off if I offered to take you both out? Only to the park or something. I want to hear more about your little one." he beams, genuinely taking an interest in Lucas.

"No George. It wouldn't be off at all."


I don't know if this was how you imagined it at all so I hope I did it justice <3

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