Perfect (G)

532 24 6


For: tellemgsgs 


You're sat on your bed, laptop on top of your thighs as you get some work done. George is rested in the floor with his guitar in his lap, strumming along gently to a song the boys are due to release soon.

A frustrated huff leaves his mouth and you think nothing of it until it happens again, and again, until you finally look over in his direction.

"G, what's wrong?" you ask, placing your laptop to the side in case he wants to climb onto the bed with you.

"Just work." he sighs, leaning his guitar against its holder before crawling across the bed until he reaches your open arms.

George rests his head on your shoulder as you stroke your fingers through his soft hair, gently soothing him until he feels able to talk.

"I just feel like I can't do it anymore. I can't play the damn guitar anymore, my voice is off, how am I meant to be in a band when I can't do anything?" George speaks his mind. You almost feel your heart shatter when the words hit you.

"Oh George," you frown. "Everyone has off days. You're the best guitar player I know, and you have the voice of an angel. Reece and Blake have days like this too, remember?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." George mumbles, turning his head to kiss your cheek.

"Now, go and play me that new song because I absolutely love it." you grin, watching as he races over to grab his guitar. He could never turn down his girl.

The sound of his voice mixed with the guitar is music to your ears, and you find yourself falling in love with him even more.

"See, perfect!" you clap your hands together with joy and watch as his proud smile grows wider.

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