Hate (B)

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B L A K E  R I C H A R D S O N

For: no one


"Blake, I'm home!" you yell as you get home.

There's no reply so you look in the living room. No Blake.

You peer your head around the kitchen door. No Blake.

You start to get worried so run upstairs. You check the bedroom. No Blake.

Where is he?

"Blake?" you call, your voice thick with worry.

Suddenly, you hear sniffs coming from the bathroom. You open the door and find your boyfriend curled up on the floor, tears streaming down his face.

Your heart breaks at the sight of him.

"Blake! What's wrong?" you dash over to him, cuddling him up to you.

His head buries itself into your chest and you run your hands through his hair.

"Blake? Please tell me what's wrong. I'm worried." you sigh and kiss the top of his head.

He still doesn't say anything, but slides his phone over to you instead.

It's open on Twitter and you scroll down what he was looking at.

The hashtag #wehateblake was trending and there were lots of terrible things.

"Are you sure this is about you?" you say sadly. He nods and taps on a tweet, mentioning his username.

"Oh Blake." you sigh. He continues to sob into your shirt so you scroll down.

@newhopeblake should just leave the band. He's ugly ASF #wehateblake

Blake's so stupid, the band would be better without him #wehateblake

I'm only here for Reece and George TBH #wehateblake

#welovereece #welovegeorge #wehateblake

"Blake, look at me." you tilt his chin so he's staring into your eyes. His own brown ones are red from crying and he looks tired.

"They're jealous. What they don't know is what you're like in person because they haven't had the privilege of meeting you. You're perfect and should never change. I love you Blake." you say.

"But you'll leave, just like everyone else." he starts to sob again.

"Blake, I'm not going anywhere. I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me forever." you chuckle slightly.

"Now come on, you're tired. Let's go to bed." you kiss his forehead and stand up, extending your hand out towards him to help him.

He takes your hand and lifts himself up. You keep his hand intwined in your own as you walk him to your room.

You stop walking as you get to the bed and let go of his hand.

You watch as Blake takes off his shirt and climbs into bed, pulling you with him.

"Blake, I'm going to go and take my makeup off." you inform him. He shakes his head.

"Stay with me." he murmurs, almost already asleep.

"Okay." you whisper.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you more Blake."


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