Teacher (G)

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For: exhalegsgs


"Have you ever played golf before?" George asks as you make your way onto the site. He thought it would be a great date to bring you golfing, much to your protests.

"Never." you admit, following him over to the start of the course. He passes you a golf club and tells you to just hit the ball. Easier said than done.

You pull it back and whack it as hard as you can, watching it fling off into a tree to the left.

"I didn't think you'd be this bad." George snorts, coming up behind you to help.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." you mumble, placing another ball on the ground as George helps you hold the club the right way.

"Now, just pull it back and swing. Try to hit towards the bottom of the ball this time." he explains, leaving his hands on top of yours that are resting on the club.

You do as he says and pull the club back, him not letting go of you, and swing it back down. The ball flies towards the hole and George cheers at your effort.

"Now we're getting somewhere." he grins, hitting his ball like it was the easiest thing in the world.

You follow the boy over to your golf ball, shrugging him off and trying to do this by yourself. You try hitting the ball and watch as it rolls straight past the hole.

"I really don't think golf is my sport George." you giggle as it rolls further and further away.

"I don't think it is either." he laughs as he hits his straight in. You watch his skill in shock, wondering how on earth he managed to do that.

"Are you a witch? This is impossible!" you groan, taking another shot which rolls past the hole again.

"You just need to concentrate."

George walks up behind you again, reaching over to hold your heads steady and guide you to hit the small ball properly.

With his help, it goes straight in and you celebrate.

"I don't think I'll be bringing you to play with the boys." George shrugs as he starts to pack up.

"Why not?" you fake getting offended, "I'm almost at professional level."

"As much as I love you, darling, I don't think that's ever going to happen."


I know I said I wasn't going to update until my exams are finished but I didn't want to leave you all with nothing! My last exam is on friday then I've got until September off so expect a lot of content <3

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