Backstage (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: no one


"Our next song is called Makeup!" Blake announces, making the crowd scream.

They start singing and you can't take your eyes off George. You'd managed to get front row right in front of him and you wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here right now.

"Chill out, chill out, chill out, take your makeup off." George sings and makes eye contact with you. He winks and carries on.

When they've finished the song, George looks down at you.

"Our final song is called perfume, enjoy!" He announced, to receive yet more screams from the fans.

They start to play, so we all sing along. George's gaze doesn't leave from me the whole song.

"Thank you! Goodnight!" Reece yells and they run off stage.

As you're about to leave, you feel a tap on your shoulder and there's a security guard. You start to get scared, what if you'd done something wrong?

"Miss, George Smith has requested for you to come backstage." he says.

You stand there shocked and excited, before snapping out of it and following the tall man backstage.

"Mr Smith, the girl you requested for is here." the security guard calls through the door.

George opens the door with a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you Dave." he dismisses the guard and turns to me.

"Hello there, I couldn't keep my eyes off you during our performance." he states.

"I saw," you giggle, "I'm y/n!"

"Come in, I'm sure you'd love to meet the boys."

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