Dishwasher (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: sabrinasdaughter


"Oh for heavens sake George! I asked you to do one thing! One tiny thing, in the two hours I was out and you couldn't even do that." you argue with your boyfriend. You'd gone out and asked him to unload the dishwasher while you were out. That was it. Would've taken him less than five minutes if he'd got off his backside.

"Y/n, I've told you so many times, I had a song idea and scribbled it down and got carried away! It's not a big deal!" he argues back, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the kitchen counter.

"It would have taken you five minutes George! I'm sure the song wouldn't have left your mind in five minutes." you roll your eyes, fed up of all the arguing.

You move over to the dishwasher and open it, starting to put everything away in the cupboards.

"I'll do that." George mumbles and pushes you gently out of the way.

You want to smile, you won the stupid argument. But it was an argument nevertheless with the man you loved so dearly and you felt awful.

"I'm sorry G." you apologise as he finishes placing everything in their assigned places.

"No it's my fault. It would've have taken long at all, you were right. I hate arguing over silly things." a small smile appears on his face.

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have got snappy. I know song ideas aren't the most common. We argued over a dishwasher for God's sake." you sigh, really regretting getting so annoyed over the tiny problem.

"Come here." he smiles, arms open wide for you as you step into his embrace.

"I'm sorry." you repeat into his shoulder, letting the guilt wash over you.

"Stop saying sorry." George chuckles, placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head before pulling apart.

He cups your cheeks in his hands as he stares deeply into your eyes, allowing you to gaze into the ocean ones you fell in love with.

"I love you y/n." he speaks, not letting you respond by pressing his lips to yours sweetly.

"I love you too George."

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