Show (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: longgametosomeday 


Your younger sister was best friends with Reece Bibby's sister Lexi. They both wanted to come along to one of New Hope Club's concerts, but because they were both too young had to go with an adult. None of the parents were around for this show so after hours of your sister begging, you gave in.

You're currently stood on the private balcony with the two younger ones, watching as the support acts play.

Due to your sisters being so close, you and Reece have known each other for years. You talk occasionally at parties and when picking the younger sibling up from each other's houses, but that's pretty much it.

The boys come running on stage and start their set, Reece looking up and noticing you accompanying the two girls and giving you all a wave.

Throughout the set, Reece doesn't seem to take his eyes off you. At first you thought he was just looking at Lexi, but she was further down the balcony dancing along.

"Did you enjoy that?" you ask the girls with a smile once the show finishes.

"Yes!" They both scream excitedly, each giving me a hug and thanking you for bringing them.

"Reece!" Lexi shouts, running off behind you into her brother's arms. "I missed you."

"I missed you too!" Reece smiles at her. He's been on the road for just over a week and this is the first date she's done.

"Thanks for bringing them y/n." Reece thanks you, pulling you into a grateful hug.

"My pleasure." you grin.

"Me and the boys were going to grab some food on the way to the hotel. Do you want to come? I've texted Mum so she knows you'll be back a bit later and she's fine with it." he offers. You nod and turn to the girls to ask them.

"Yes!" They agree at the same time, making you and Reece chuckle at the pair. They've always been in sync since they were little.

Reece comes with you and the girls in your car, while George and Blake go to collect the food.

"Come sit." Reece gestures to you once the girls have settled on the other sofa. You send him a small smile and sit next to him.

His arm reaches around your shoulders and pulls you into him.

"I've always liked you y'know." he whispers in your ear, taking you completely by surprise.

"Me too." you smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

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