Feelings (R)

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For: no one


You sit in your bedroom, watching an episode of your favourite show.

A jump scare startles you, making you fall off your bed. You quickly turn the tv off and start scrolling down your social medias.

"Y/n?" Dad calls from downstairs.

"Coming!" you yell back, racing quickly downstairs. Your soon to be step-mum and brother stand there with him. You don't know quite what to make out about either of them. Sure, you've known them for over a year and they both seem nice, but you've never gotten to know them. Well, you got to know Lyndsey a bit, just enough so we get on well.

"Yes?" you question, a little annoyed he dragged you downstairs when you could be watching YouTube.

"Lyndsey and Reece are moving in with us! Are you excited?" He practically squeals like a three year old getting a puppy.

You don't really care about them moving in, as long as nothing changes you're fine.

"Yay!" you force a smile. Reece has something about him that you can't quite touch on.

"Why don't you and Reece go upstairs for a bit? Get to know each other more." my dad grins, knowing this will be hell for you.

Your mum left you when you were four, leaving you and your Dad with no money and nothing to go on. Since then, dad got a huge job and met Lyndsey.

You'd never taken the time to get to know Reece at all but you might as well start now. You grab Reece's hand and lead him up to your room.

You take the seat on your bed while Reece jumps onto your beanbag.

"So, quick fire questions?" you ask. He just nods, not very talkative today.

"Favourite colour?" He questions.


"Favourite food?" He asks.


"Favourite band?"

"Twenty one pilots."

"Screw this! Why should we have to get to know each other like this? Maybe I don't want to be your step-brother!" Reece suddenly calls out, taking you both by surprise.

"What?" you ask, confused out of your mind.

"I've liked you for a long time y/n. And the feelings won't go away. Maybe we can figure it out!" He says, frustrated.

"Reece, you're going to be my brother. We can't. It's not that I don't want to. We just can't!" you groan, slightly frustrated yourself now.

You did not expect Reece Bibby, your soon to be step-brother, to like you. Of all people.

"We can make it work!" He sighs.

"Maybe we can." you look down at the floor.

"Maybe we can Reece."

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