I told you (G)

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For: no one


You wake up in a sudden, nose blocked and throat sore. A groan escapes your mouth at the fact you've caught a cold, probably from when you insisted on going into the snow yesterday. It doesn't snow much where you live, it was a first so of course you jumped at the chance when it presented itself. Your inner child came out too soon. George must've sensed you were awake as his eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light before leaning up to kiss you.

"I'm ill babe. Don't want you getting poorly too." Your voice manages to croak out as you dodge him.

"Stay here darling, doctor George is coming to the rescue." You giggle as your boyfriend pecks the top of your head and runs out of the bedroom.

He appears back in your doorway, a cup of tea in his hand. He passes you the cup and sneaks a kiss while you're distracted.

"G! You'll get ill now!" You push his face away, feeling how warm it is against your palm.

"I don't get ill, darling." George smirks, "Now, drink your tea and come cuddle me. I'll put a movie on."

After netflix is up and running on George's laptop you rest your head on his chest, keeping your eyes on the screen. Looking up you notice George has a concerned look on his face as he tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.

"It's only a cold babe, I won't die." you tell your boyfriend with a giggle, kissing his cheek.

"I know. I just don't like you being ill and me not being able to do anything about it." he forces a smile, running his hand softly up and down your arm.

"I'll probably be completely better tomorrow G. You know how these things go." you reassure him, watching the smile you adore appear back on his face.

Slowly you both start to fall asleep, legs intertwined with your head on his chest.

You wake up in the morning to hear a sniffle next to you. A giggle escapes your lips as George turns around to face you, arms crossed over his chest with a frown on his face.

"I told you you'd get sick." you laugh softly at the poor man.

"Shut up and come cuddle me."

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