Sassy (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: fuckitupchriss


You're sat on the sofa between Reece's legs, your head on his chest as you watch the movie on the tv screen. The movie was boring, but you didn't want to say anything incase Reece was enjoying it.

"This film is awful." Reece huffs. You let out a sigh of relief, sitting up and turning to face him.

"I'm glad you said that," you laugh, "I didn't want to say anything incase you liked it."

"Like it?" he rolls his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest sassily. "I don't think anyone could like this rubbish."

You nod your head in agreement, watching him in amusement. You loved when Reece got sassy; you found it absolutely hilarious.

Reece gets up, taking his glass over to the kitchen sink to wash later, before coming back and plugging his phone into the speaker on the table.

Music starts blaring out and Reece offers you his hand, gesturing for you to get up. You do as he wishes with a confused look, but you soon catch on to what he's trying to do.

He grabs your hand and you can't help but giggle as Reece spins you out of his arms, pulling you back straight away.

The pair of you continue to dance, messing around in your living room to the upbeat song that was playing out of the speakers.

A slower song comes on and Reece grabs your waist, pulling you as close as physically possible while you sling your arms around his neck. You rest your forehead against his, smiling at the man you absolutely adored.

"God, I love you." he breathes as you sway side to side. His words shock you and you almost stop dead in your tracks. Did he just say he loves you for the first time?

"Say it again." you grin, meeting his gaze and watch as he bites his lip nervously.

"I love you."

You chuckle at his awkwardness, letting the smile on your face grow wider as you take the words in. Reece loves you.

You lean in, pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss before resting your forehead on his again.

"I love you too Bibby," you admit, watching his face light up. "More than you could ever realise."

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