What's so funny? (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: iamcalledannie


"It's so peaceful!" Reece says, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head. You're laying against his chest, his strong arms wrapped securely around you.

It's four in the morning, but neither of you could sleep so you're cuddled up listening to the pouring England rain.

"It really is." you smile up at your boyfriend, watching him as he looks out the bedroom window.

Something smashes downstairs, startling the both of you as we lay together.

"What the hell was that?" you think out loud, sitting up abruptly with Reece doing the same.

"I'll go and check. Stay here."

Reece climbs out of bed, pulls on a shirt and starts to walk towards the door, but you grab hold of his arm to stop him.

"What?" He whispers. You don't reply, just pull him into a gentle kiss before he walks out of the room.

He's gone for a couple of minutes, and silence has completely engulfed the house.

"Babe!" Reece shouts from downstairs, "Come here."

Not sure what his tone is suggesting, you scramble out of the warmth of your bed and run down the stairs.

As you walk into the kitchen, you see Reece laughing hysterically by the fridge.

"What's so funny?" you ask, making your way around the kitchen island to where Reece is, and burst out laughing yourself.

"Oh Joey!" you chuckle, looking down at your puppy who has completely trashed the place.

There are smashed food bowls, which used to belong to Joey, littering the tiled floor. As for Joey, he has his head in a bag of treats he's managed to find out of the cupboard.

You pick up the treat bag and put it away, then take the puppy into the living room while Reece cleans up the remains of Joey's smash fest.

"We're going to have to keep you out the kitchen at night mister!" you giggle at the puppy looking innocently at you.

"You coming back up y/n?" Reece appears behind you, firmly shutting the kitchen door to save a repeat of tonight's antics.

You nod, say goodnight to Joey, and follow your boyfriend up the stairs.

"I'm actually tired now." Reece admits, climbing into bed beside you. He pulls you into his arms once again, both of you slowly falling asleep in peace.

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