Love again (G)

978 27 8

G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: daisyylouise

Yes this is kind of inspired by their song <3


"Do I have to do this?" you ask your friend Aaliyah. You met her just a couple of months ago but really hit it off, and now she's sending you on a blind date.

Ever since you and your ex broke up, you hadn't even thought of dating again. The breakup was painful; you'd loved him with your whole heart but it wasn't working out because of his job. It was heartbreaking on both ends.

You never told Aaliyah who your ex was, and you didn't think you ever would. He was in your past now.

"Yes you do! Now get in there before I drag you in there! He's at table thirteen." she giggles, pushing you towards the door of the restaurant.

You walk in confidently, wanting to give this stranger a good impression.

"Hi," you catch the attention of a waitress, "where's table thirteen?"

She points to the table right in the corner and you gasp. Your ex, George, is sat there. Tears brim in your eyes at the thought of him. You thought you'd never see him again. You still loved him, you always would, but you didn't know if you could do this.

You quickly pull out your phone and text Aaliyah to see if she definitely got the right table. She replies with a 'yes' and you sigh. This is going to be hard.

You take a deep breath and walk over, pulling out the chair. George's attention comes off his phone and he stares at you in shock.

"Y/n?" he asks, looking just as confused as you are.

"In the flesh, hi George." you smile nervously. You couldn't help but smile at the fact you were speaking his name again. This was the first time you'd seen each other since you'd broken up.

"It's been a year, two weeks, one day." he mumbles. He's been counting?!

"It's been a long time George." you bite your lip. Now that he's here in front of you, all you want to do is grab his face and kiss him. You'd missed him more than you thought you had.


You talked a lot over dinner and caught up with each other. There must have been a hundred people in the restaurant, but George was the only one that mattered. You didn't take your eyes off him the whole time.

Now you were both sat on a bench beside the canal of the town you're in, George's arm around your shoulder while your head rests on his.

"Do you think we could work out G?" you ask, cutting the comfortable silence you were sat in.

"I think we're meant to be together y/n, and people who are meant to be together always work it out."

You take your head off his shoulder and look into his eyes, leaning in and closing the gap between you. This was where you were meant to be.

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