Cleaning (B)

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B L A K E  R I C H A R D S O N

For: no one


If there was one thing both you and Blake absolutely hated, it was cleaning. Ever since you moved in together you had to set one day a week aside to clean the apartment. When Blake was away touring you had to do the whole apartment by yourself, and that you hated the most.

Thursdays were the official cleaning days in the apartment and you both did certain rooms of the place. One week you'd do the bedroom, office and bathroom while Blake did the kitchen, living room and all the washing. The next week you'd swap.

Blake had just got back from the UK leg of tour and unfortunately you woke up realising it was indeed a Thursday. Seeing as you had all day and Blake was shattered, you left him sleeping in the bed while you made breakfast.

As you made the food for the both of you, Blake had obviously stirred and woken up as he appears behind you, hair a mess and sweatpants hanging loosely from his waist.

"Morning babe" his morning voice croaks out to you.

"Morning B" you turn to him, a smile on your face as you serve breakfast for the both of you.

"Do we have to have cleaning day today?" Blake finally asks the question you were waiting for. He was up for most of the night, the exhaustion of tour really taking a toll on him.

"I'll do most of it, as long as you can help with washing up later you just rest. I know you've worked hard" you smile, placing a kiss on his cheek as you take his plate over to the sink.

You've just about done half of the apartment in a couple of hours, before Blake stopped you. "I'll help" he'd said with a smile.

"No! You need to rest" you swat him away, pointing at the sofa as if to say 'get back on there now and relax'.

"The quicker this is done the quicker I get time with my girl. So, I'm going to help whether you like it or not" he places a kiss on your cheek and grabs the vacuum cleaner, getting to work straight away.

The apartment gets finished a lot quicker with Blake's help, so you end up flopping onto the soft sofa together after a rather long and tiring day.

Blake outstretches his arms and you take up his invitation gladly. He pulls you into his chest and you lay there together in the comfortable silence.

"I hate cleaning days" Blake sighs, placing a gentle kiss onto the top of your head. "But I love ending up here with you"

"You're such a sap, Richardson" you giggle, agreeing with his little statement that makes your heart flutter.

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