Better (G)

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G E O R G E  S M I T H

For: cheesebaby


"George?" you call your boyfriend's name for the fourth time. You were trying to find him but he just wouldn't answer. Guessing he has his headphones in, you start hunting around.

When you turn the handle to your shared bedroom, you see George sat there on his phone, no headphones in or anything to block his hearing.

"I called you." you say, not wanting to sound agitated, but it was all you could feel. Your boyfriend has just completely ignored you and it was frustrating.

"Sorry." he mumbles, not even looking up from his phone to look at you as you talk to him.

"Why are you being so distant lately G?" the words spill out of your mouth before you could think it through. An argument was the last thing you wanted but you'd already said it, and there was no going back now.

"I'm not." he says, still keeping his eyes firmly on his phone. It's almost as if he's scared to look at you.

"George, you've ignored me the best you can for the past few days so clearly something is wrong. I'm your girlfriend, you can talk to me." you tell him as soothingly as possible, taking a seat on the bed beside him and placing a hand on his.

To your surprise, George retreats his hand from yours and you know something is seriously wrong. He never resisted you.

"G, talk to me babe. You're worrying me." you sigh, leaning back against the headboard in hopes he'll speak.

"You'll think it's silly." he says after a minute. You can't help but look at him in disbelief. Nothing that comes out of that boy's mouth is ever ridiculous.

"We both know that's not true." you tell him, turning onto your side so your full attention is just on George.

"Reece and Blake are so much better than me." he says so quietly you almost don't hear him, but you did. You had no idea he was feeling this way and he had no need to be.

"George, babe, you all have your talents. You're equally as talented and you know that."

"Not musically..." he trails off, leaving you confused out of your mind. You had no clue what he thought his best friends could be better at.

You send him a questioning glance, edging him to go on.

"Physically." he whispers, looking away at something in the corner. George was insecure.

"Oh George," you frown, "you know you're literally perfect right? Inside and out. You have nothing to worry about. You're absolutely perfect how you are."

You scoot over on the bed so your arms are touching your boyfriend's, and pull him into a well needed hug.

"I love you." he mumbles into your shoulder.

"I love you too G. So so much."


This will most likely be the last update until at least the weekend - my GCSEs start tomorrow so I'll be cramming last minute revision every night until June 14th (when my exams finish) so it'll be slower updates for a while but after I've finished my exams expect a lot from me!

Also, I see the boys on Friday at the Birmingham show so I'll keep you all updated lol - I'll probably post a lot on my twitter so if you want to go see my username is the same as on here <3

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