Jealous (G)

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For: JustMyTypeBrad


George couldn't help but clench his fists watching you with another man at the bar. He wasn't a violent person in the slightest; the boy couldn't hurt a fly, but seeing you laugh at another man's jokes was enough to send anger soaring through his veins.

Blake noticed his friend's behaviour and followed George's gaze to see what had him so wound up.

"Mate, you okay?" he asked, snapping George out of his trance momentarily.

"Yeah, fine." he snapped before turning his attention back to you.

The four of you had decided to come out to the pub for the evening to hang out. It wasn't an unusual occurrence, it happened often and normally ended up with a bigger party than four. You knew a lot of people in the area and the boys were always down for making new friends.

You grabbed your refill and made your way back to the table, instantly noticing George's change of mood.

"What's up?" you ask with a frown, rubbing your hand soothingly up and down his arm.

George wanted desperately to relax into your touch, but he was furious and couldn't take his eyes off the man you'd just been with. He despised the guy and he'd never even met him.

"I don't know, why don't you go and ask your new boyfriend from the bar?" George rolled his eyes before turning back to Blake and Reece, not wanting to get even more wound up.

You couldn't help but chuckle at his outburst. George never gets jealous.

"I'm sorry." you apologised through giggles while your boyfriend stared at you in disbelief. "It's just so funny."

"It's not funny!" George crossed his arms, still mad about the whole situation.

"Oh George, I do love you." you grinned, holding back any more laughter that was threatening to spill out of you. "That was my cousin."

George's face paled and it was like he'd seen a ghost. He was mortified that he'd jumped to conclusions, he trusted you more than anyone.

He groaned while you burst out laughing again.

"I seriously thought you were going to start a fight with him." you smirked, teasing the poor boy.

"I could have." George sighed defensively, hiding his head in embarrassment in the crook of your neck.

"George, darling you couldn't punch someone even if you tried."

"Yeah, you're right."

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