Call (B)

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For: siobhan_0  


"Let's play dares!" Reece suggests, earning a groan from George and Blake. You're all hanging out at your place. You've been best friends with George since you were little and when he joined New Hope Club, you all became really close.

"I second that." you smirk, leaning back onto your hands, not knowing what you were about to get yourself into.

"We're not twelve." George rolls his eyes.

"Loosen up a bit George, you scared?" you ask playfully, shoving his shoulder lightly as he joins you and Reece on the floor.

He rolls his eyes again. "George Smith doesn't get scared."

"Yeah yeah." you tease as Blake joins us too.

"Reece is going first as he's forcing us to play this then." Blake grins.

Reece shrugs his shoulders. "Hit me."

"Knock next door without trousers on and ask if you can use their loo." Blake says, a smug look on his face as George sits there with his mouth wide open.

"Dude they're the grumpiest people I've ever met. They'll rip his head off!" George confesses as Reece takes off his trousers.

"Even more reason to do it." Blake laughs, pulling Reece off the ground and out the front door.

Reece has no problem walking up to the door as we hide at the front of George's house. Surprisingly, the woman actually let him in and he soon comes walking out with a satisfied look on his face.

"Right!" he claps his hands together as we gather in the living room again, "Y/n. Call the guy you like and tell him you like him."

You sit there in shock. You can't do that, he'll turn me down and it'll be so embarrassing.

"Reece, anything but that." you protest, trying to get him to change his mind.

"What? You scared?" George mocks you with your own words from before.

You hesitantly pick up your phone off the floor and hit the guy you like's name and wait for it to ring.

Suddenly, Blake's ringtone blasts from his phone as your name pops up on the screen, causing all three boys' jaws to drop. You hide your face in your hands in terror as you have no idea what to do.

"You like me?" Blake takes your hands away from your face. Reece and George have left the room, no doubt listening in from behind the door.

You nod, picking at your fingers, anxious in anticipation.

"I know you don't like me back Blake. We can pretend it never happened." a pained smile appears on your face as you realise what you've done. You should have just refused to do it.

Blake grabs my chin with his hand so you're forced to look him in the eye. "Y/n. I don't know what you're thinking but I like you too." He slowly leans in and presses his lips to yours as the boys burst back into the room cheering.

"Took you two long enough." George chuckles.

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