Beach (R)

802 28 4


For: newhopemaica

this is the last request i have so make sure to comment or DM me if you want one :) request as many as you'd like x

also, new George book is out on my account so go give that a read if you wish


"You getting in?" a voice appears, their shadow blocking you from the sun. You groan and prop yourself up on your elbows, not too happy to have been disturbed while you were laying in the sun.

"Give me a minute Reece." you sigh, squinting up at the boy because it's so bright. He nods and walks away to talk to a member of the tour crew while you sort yourself out.

While on the America tour, everyone decided the crew needed a beach day, so here you all are in the blazing heat. You'd connected with all three boys as soon as you were introduced to them, so working with them has never been a chore in the slightest.

You shove your phone under a towel so it doesn't overheat and stand up to walk over to Reece. His back is turned to you while he talks, and you seize the opportunity to scare him. It's the least he deserves for disturbing your sun time.

You jump onto his back, wrapping your arms around his bare shoulders. Reece flinches, having not expected that to happen.

"Y/n, really?" he laughs at you as you try not to slip down his back. He notices your struggle and grabs onto your thighs that are wrapped around his waist to stop you from falling.

"You deserved it." you giggle, resting your chin in the crook of his neck.

"I'm going to get you back." Reece grins, knowing your face has already dropped as you realise what he's about to do.

You jump down from his back and run away from him as fast as you can, trying not to get caught by your friend.

Reece is much faster than you and catches up, running in front of you so you can't go anywhere. You curse under your breath and pout when he picks you up, placing you over his shoulder while he walks over to the water.

He waits until it's deep enough before dropping you in. Your pleads didn't work, and you're slowly engulfed by the cold water.

When you resurface, Reece is watching with the biggest grin placed on his face.

"Don't mess with me." he tries to act like a tough guy, but breaks into laughter almost straight away.

"I hate you, I hope you know that." you mutter, splashing him while he laughs.

He splashes you back and soon enough, it turns into a full blown splash war. You're soaked through and charge at Reece, jumping onto him and wrapping your legs around his back so he goes down with you.

The pair of you resurface laughing, calling for a truce because neither of you can face being dunked again.

"Oi, lovebirds. We're going back to the hotel." Blake calls from the shore, causing you to roll your eyes.

"Okay, mate." Reece shouts back, offering you his hand so you can get out with him. You gladly accept, slipping your fingers between his as you make your way over to your towels.

"I had fun today." Reece says while you both dry yourselves off.

You smile at his words. "Me too."

Reece stops drying himself and turns to face you. You stop too, giving him your full attention.

"I'd like to take you out, on a date."

As soon as the words leave his mouth your smile only grows wider.

"Well then, what are you waiting for?" you smirk, picking up your things and walking towards the exit of the beach, Reece trailing close behind, the biggest grin on his own face.

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