Gone (B)

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B L A K E  R I C H A R D S O N

For: no one


From: Blake😘
About to board the plane. Love you xx

You smile at his words and flop onto your bed. This was going to be a long three hours wait.

To get yourself even more excited, you scroll through all of the photos of the both of you in your camera roll.

Clicking on his newest cover with the boys makes you smile as you watch him sing. You can't wait for him to be back here, where he belongs.

You know he's starting his dream career and you're so proud, but you always miss him. Sometimes it all gets a little too much and you end up sobbing for days on end. But it's all worth it. He's on tour with his best friends living his dream.

After watching his covers for over three hours, you drop him a text to ask if he's landed.

No 'read' sign.


You wait another hour. Maybe his plane was delayed after all and he couldn't tell you. This is when you start to worry. He should be back by now.

Maybe he just went straight home and went to bed without texting you.

You wait for another hour.

Still nothing.

"Y/n babe, get into bed pleas- oh my god what's wrong?" your mother asks as she walks into your room.

"Blake hasn't come back and his plane was due two hours ago." you say, picking at your nails nervously.

"I'm sure he's fine. Maybe he just went straight home for some sleep. Touring must be tiring." she sighs.

"I guess." you shrug.

Your phone starts to vibrate and you answer the phone.

"Y/n?" The voice calls.

"Yeah that's me." you sigh, looking at your wall.

"Your boyfriend's plane crashed. I'm sorry, there were no survivors." she says, as if there's no worry in the world.

"No! He can't be dead! I need Blake! Have you got the flights confused? You have to be wrong!" you scream at the woman.

"I'm sorry miss. Blake Richardson died, trying to save a child."

Of course, he wouldn't save his own life. How am you going to do this? He can't be dead.

You hang up the phone and curl up into a sobbing mess.

He's gone.


I have no clue why I ever wrote this. What was going through my head?! Lol sorry guys

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