Pup (All)

850 19 13

N E W  H O P E  C L U B

For: IAmAShippingGod

This is an AU and is written in third person. The pronoun will be she but please feel free to change it in your head if you call yourself any different. It just fit better with the imagine <3 x


The New Hope Club boys all moved in together into a nice house on the outskirts of London in the spring. They were together almost every day so they figured; why not?

The house was a decent size, not too big, not too small. They had a home studio to write and record in. Life seemed perfect for the three, but something was missing.

"Why don't we get a dog?" George had suggested one summer morning. The sunlight had streamed through the window, creating a ray of light that projected into the empty corner of their living room.

The boys' eyes flickered over to the corner, already picturing the fluffy dog's bed and toys that would fit perfectly.

"Let's get one." Reece confirmed, looking over at Blake to see if he was on board. Blake nodded, a wide grin spread across his face as he grabbed the car keys from the hook in the white hallway.

The boys had all learned to drive when they decided to move in together, guessing it would be much easier than to uber everywhere.

The car's engine purred as they sped down the quiet roads towards the animal shelter. None of the boys knew what breed they were about to pick up. They just knew they would know the perfect one when they came face to face with it.

So, there they were, stood in front of the one puppy that had caught their eye straight away. She was a small pup, her coat shining in the sunlight.

"We'll take her." Blake nodded, watching the puppy in awe. His eyes wandered to the name tag around her collar, Y/n.

"Y/n." he whispered, the name rolling off his tongue so perfectly that it felt like the final piece of this life puzzle was completed.

Y/n's fur was a mixture of different colours. Brown and black splotches danced across her white fur, and she was perfect.

Reece reached out a hand to stroke the pup. Her fur was the softest he'd ever felt and he fell in love right away.

George picked the small dog up, careful not to hurt her, as he carried her to the car. He sat in the backseat with her, comforting her when she cried out as the car started moving. She felt at ease with George next to her, like all fear was ripped away.

They stopped off at a pet shop, taking Y/n inside on the lead so she could pick out her bed and a few toys.

Walking down the bed aisle, y/n stopped at a grey, fluffy one that was the perfect size for her. Reece picked it up, throwing it into the trolley along with all the food.

Blake walked her down the toy aisle, letting her sniff anything that took her interest. The boys watched in awe, absolutely smitten by the new edition to the New Hope Club family as she kept picking out toys.

"This was the best decision of our lives." George whispered to his friends, earning nods of agreement from the pair. The small hole in their life was now filled, and it was perfect.

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