Clues (B)

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For: no one


"Y/n! Come here for a minute!" your boyfriend, Blake yells from your bedroom.

"Coming!" you shout back.

You walk upstairs in no rush, Blake didn't sound like he was dying or anything.

As you walk into the room, Blake is no longer in here.

"Blake?" you call. No answer.

Suddenly your phone starts to ring and your favourite songs blasts through the tiny speakers. Quickly, you pick it up.

"Y/n, your first clue is at the place you and Blake met. I will be waiting here with the next clue." Reece says, trying to put on a fancy, deep voice.

Giggling, you say a quick thank you before hanging up.

You rush downstairs and slip your coat and shoes on. It's December after all.

The playground in the park soon comes into sight and you laugh when you see Reece. This brings back so many memories of being with Blake. You literally bumped into each other just outside the children's playground and fell over.

"Your next clue is with George in the place you had your first date." he says, attempting to sound like some sort of robot.

You stroll over to the big cafe in the middle of the park. You met here for a drink and got to know each other.

George stands there with a balloon in his hand.

"Hello George!" you call. He turns to face you and waves.

"Your final clue is in the place Blake sung his own song to you." he says and turns away before you can say anything.

It takes you a few seconds to remember where you were the first time he played a song to you.

That's when it hits you, the living room at home. You practically run home and are very out of breath when you arrive.

The front door is open so you close it behind yourself and walk into the front room, not expecting what you see in front of you at all.

"Blake!" you whisper, completely gobsmacked.

He's knelt down on one knee in a circle of roses and candles, your favourite band playing in the background.

"Y/n, will you do me the pleasure of being my wife?" He asks.

You just nod, not being able able to say any proper words.

Blake stands up and brings you into a hug.

"I love you!" you sob onto the shoulder of your fiance.

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