Shoot him (R)

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R E E C E  B I B B Y

For: no one


"Reece?" you yell out, as something black goes over your eyes. You begin to struggle from someone's grip.

"Let me go!" you scream and start flailing.

Suddenly, a fist comes in contact with your face and your eyes shut.

When you wake up, your vision isn't dark anymore. There's nothing on your head anymore.

A sting on your cheek makes your hand try to fly up your face, only to be caught by handcuffs on the way.

"Please! Let me go!" you shout through the panic, tears streaming down your face.

Suddenly, a guy dressed in all black steps out from the shadows, another guy behind.

"Blake? George? Let me go!" you struggle.

"Shoot him." Blake says, not a single emotion on his face. You follow his eyes to Reece, stood and tied to a pole.

"No! Blake what are you doing? He's your best friend! Please let us go. What have I even do to you?" you cry out, screaming. You try to lunge at them both, only to be pulled back down by the chair in this dark room.

"Shoot him and you can go. It's you or him first, your choice." George speaks up.

"Reece! Wake up!" you yell at his sleeping body. His eyes shoot open and look around the room in panic. His eyes land on you and he yells.

"Just shoot me y/n! Save yourself!" He yells through the tears.

"No! I'm not leaving here without you!"

"Y/n please. You deserve a life, shoot me and go home." he pleads.

"Fine." tears roll down your face.

Blake comes and unties you, handing you a gun.

"I love you Reece." you sob and pull the trigger.


"Y/n! Wake up! Please! What's wrong? Y/n!" Reece jolts you awake.

"Reece? Oh my God Reece!" you cry out and snuggle into him.

"You had a nightmare! You were screaming and crying, what the hell happened?" He asks, worry in his eyes.

You explain everything.

"I'm here. I'm never leaving. Never. And the boys wouldn't do that. I love you so much." Reece says quickly, rocking you back and fourth.

"I love you Reece." you sob into his chest.

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